
3.   Jason Ramapuram, Magda Gregorova, Alexandros Kalousis. Lifelong Generative Modeling, 2017, (pdf) .

2.   Magda Gregorova, Alexandros Kalousis, Stephane Marchand-Maillet. Learning vector autoregressive models with focalised Granger-causality graphs, 2015, (pdf).

1.   Alexandros Kalousis, Adam Woznica, Melanie Hilario, A unifying framework for relational distance-based learning founded on relational algebra, 2005, Technical Report (pdf).




14.   Phong Nguyen, Jun Wang, Alexandros Kalousis. Factorizing LambdaMART for cold start recommendations. Machine Learning 104(2-3): 223-242 (2016) (pdf), (code).

14.   C. Maria Keet, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, Claudia d'Amato, Alexandros Kalousis, Phong Nguyen, Raul Palma, Robert Stevens, Melanie Hilario. The Data Mining OPtimization Ontology. Journal of Web Semantics (WS) 32:43-53 (2015) (pdf)

13.   P. Nguyen, Melanie Hilario, Alexandros Kalousis. Using Meta-mining to Support Data Mining Workflow Planning and Optimization. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 51:605-644 (2014) (pdf)

12.   Mohammed Dakna, Keith Harris, Alexandros Kalousis, Sebastien Carpentier, Walter Kolch, Joost P. Schanstra, Marion Haubitz, Antonia Vlahou, Harald Mischak, Mark Girolami. Addressing the Challenge of Defining Valid Proteomic Biomarkers and Classifiers, BMC Bioinformatics (BMCBI), 11:594 (2010)

11.   Hilario, M., Kalousis, A. Approaches to dimensionality reduction in proteomic biomarker studies, Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(2): 102-118 (2008) (pdf)

10.   P., Prados, J., Kossida, S. Kalousis, A., Vlahou, A. Sample Preparation and Bioinformatics in MALDI Profilining of Urinary Proteins. Journal of Chromatography B (2008). (pdf)

9.   A., Prados, J., Melanie Hilario. Stability of Feature Selection Algorithms: a study on high dimensional spaces, Knowl. Inf. Syst. 12(1): 95-116 (2007). (pdf)

8.   Hilario, M., Kalousis, A., Muller, M., Pellegrini, C. Processing and classification of protein mass spectra. Mass-Spectrometry Reviews, 25(3):409-449. (pdf)

7.   Hilario, M., Kalousis A., Prados, J., Binz, P.A. Data Mining for Mass-Spectra Based Diagnosis and Biomarker Discovery, Biosilico journal, August 2004, 2(5), 171-222.

6.   Prados, J., Kalousis, A., Sanchez, J.C. Allard, L., Carrette, O., Hilario, M Mining mass-spectra for diagnosis and biomarker discovery of cerebral accidents, Proteomics journal, August 2004, 4(6), 2320-2332. (pdf)

5.   Kalousis, A., Gama, J., Hilario, M. On Data and Algorithms: Understanding Inductive Performance. Machine Learning Journal, Special Issue on Meta-Learning, March 2004, 54(3), 275-312.

4.   Hilario, M., Kalousis, A., Muller, M., Pellegrini, C. (2003). Machine Learning Approaches to Lung Cancer Prediction from Mass-Spectra. Proteomics journal, September 2003, 3(9), 1716-1719.

3.   Kalousis, A. and Hilario, M. Model Selection via Meta-learning: a Comparative Study. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2001, 10(4).

2.   Hilario, M., Kalousis A. Building Algorithm Profiles for prior Model Selection in Knowledge Discovery Systems. Engineering Intelligent Systems, 8(2), 2000.

1.   Kalousis, A., Theoharis, T. Noemon: Design, implementation and performance results for an intelligent assistant for classifier selection. Intelligent Data Analysis Journal, 3(5). November 1999.


Book chapters

1.   Melanie Hilario, Phong Nguyen, Huyen Do, Adam Woznica and Alexandros Kalousis. Ontology based meta-mining of knowledge discovery workflows. Book chapter in Meta-Learning in Computational Intelligence. Springer 2011, (pdf).




40.   Magda Gregorova, Alexandros Kalousis, Stephane Marchand-Maillet: Forecasting and Granger Modelling with Non-linear Dynamical Dependencies. ECML/PKDD 2017, (pdf), (code).

39.   Amina Mollaysa, Pablo Strasser, Alexandros Kalousis: Regularising Non-linear Models Using Feature Side-information. ICML 2017, (pdf).

38.   Ke Sun, Jun Wang, Alexandros Kalousis, Stephane Marchand-Maillet. Space Time Local Embeddings. NIPS 2015, (pdf).

37.   Ke Sun, Jun Wang, Alexandros Kalousis, Stephane Marchand-Maillet. Information Geometry and Minimum Description Length Networks. ICML 2015 (pdf).

36.   Jun Wang, Ke Sun, Fei Sha, Stephane Marchand-Maillet and Alexandros Kalousis. Two-stage metric learning. ICML 2014, (pdf).

35.   Huyen Do and Alexandros Kalousis. Convex formulations of radius-margin based Support Vector Machines. ICML 2013, (pdf), (appendix), (code).

34.   Phong Nguyen, Jun Wang and Melanie Hilario and Alexandros Kalousis. Learning heterogeneous similarity measures for hybrid-recommendations in meta-mining. ICDM 2012, (pdf).

33.   Jun Wang, Adam Woznica and Alexandros Kalousis. Parametric Local Metric Learning for Nearest Neighbor Classification. NIPS 2012, (pdf), (code).

32.   Jun Wang, Adam Woznica and Alexandros Kalousis. Learning Neighborhoods for Metric Learning, ECML/PKDD 2012, (pdf).

31.   Adam Woznica, Phong Nguyen and Alexandros Kalousis. Model Mining for Robust Feature Selection, KDD 2012, (pdf).

30.   Huyen Do, Alexandros Kalousis, Jun Wang and Adam Woznica. A metric learning perspective of SVM: on the relation of SVM and LMNN, AISTATS 2012, (pdf).

29.   Jun Wang, Huyen Do, Adam Woznica and Alexandros Kalousis. Metric learning with multiple kernels, NIPS 2011, (pdf), (code).

28.   Adam Woznica, Alexandros Kalousis. Adaptive Distances on Sets of Vectors, ICDM 2010, (pdf).

27.   Adam Woznica, Alexandros Kalousis, Melanie Hilario. Adaptive Matching Based Kernels for Labelled Graphs, PAKDD 2010, (pdf).

26.   Adam Woznica, Alexandros Kalousis. A New Framework for Dissimilarity and Similarity Learning, PAKDD2010, (pdf).

25.   Huyen Do, Alexandros Kalousis and Melanie Hilario. Feature weighting using margin and radius based error bound optimization in SVMs, ECML/PKDD 2009 (pdf). (code).

24.   Huyen Do, Alexandros Kalousis, Adam Woznica, and Melanie Hilario. Margin and Radius Based Multiple Kernel Learning, ECML/PKDD 2009 (pdf). (code).

23.   Anagnostopoulos, T., Anagnostopoulos, C., Hadjiefthymiades, S., Kyriakakos, M., Kalousis, A. Predicting the Location of Mobile Users: A Machine Learning Approach, In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS-2009)

22.   Prados, J., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Feature Selection with the logRatio Kernel, In Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Data Mining, 2008 (pdf).

21.   Ntoutsi, E., Kalousis, A., Theodoridis, Y. A general framework for estimating similarity of datasets and decision trees: exploring semantic similarity of decision trees, In Proceedings of SIAM Conference on Data Mining, SDM 2008: 810-821 (pdf)

20.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Learning to Combine Distances For Complex Objects, ICML 2007 (pdf).

19.   Anagnostopoulos, T., Anagnostopoulos, C., Hadjiefthymiades, S., Kalousis, A., Kyriakakos, M. Path Prediction through Data Mining, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS-2007).

18.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Distances and (Indefinite) Kernels for Sets of Objects, ICDM-2006, (pdf).

17.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Kernels on lists and sets over relational algebra: an application to classification of protein fingerprints. In Proceedings of the 10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-2006), (pdf).

16.   Prados, J., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. On preprocessing of SELDI-MS and its evaluation, In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS-2006).

15.   Kalousis, A., Prados, J., Rexhepaj, E., Hilario, M. Feature Extraction from mass spectral data for the classification of pathological states, In Proceedings of Ninth European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD-2005)

14.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Kernels over relational algebra structures. In Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery (PAKDD-2005), (pdf).

13.   Kalousis, A., Prados, J., Hilario, M. Stability of Feature Selection Algorithms, ICDM 2005, (pdf)

12.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Kernel Based Distances for relational learning, In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Multi Relational Data Mining, KDD-2004.

11.   Kalousis, A., Prados, J., Sanchez, J.C. Allard, L., Hilario, M. Distilling Classification Models from Cross-Validation, IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Tools (ICTAI-2004)

10.   Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Representational Issues in Meta-Learning. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Machine Learning 2003 (pdf).

9.   Kalousis, A., Hilario, M., and Mueller, M. Distribution Based Feature Selection for the Identification of Relevant Proteins. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Data Mining for Mass Spectrometry. North Carolina, USA. September, 2002.

8.   Bensusan, H., and Kalousis, A. Predicting Accuracies. In Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Machine Learning, 2001. Springer.

7.   Hilario, M., and Kalousis, A. Fusion of Meta-Knowledge and Meta-data for Case Based Model Selection. In Proceedings of the fifth European Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PKDD-2001)

6.   Kalousis, A., and Hilario, M. Feature Selection For Meta-Learning. In Proceedings of the fifth Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-2001).

5.   Kalousis, A. and Hilario, M. Model Selection via Meta-learning: a Comparative Study. In Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Conference on Tools with AI (ICTAI-2000).

4.   Hilario, M., and Kalousis, A. Quantifying the Resilience of Inductive Algorithms for Classification. In Proceedings of the fourth European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2000.

3.   Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Supervised Knowledge Discovery from Incomplete Data. In Proceedings of the second International Conference on Data Mining, 2000, WIT Press.

2.   Hilario, M., Kalousis, A. Building Algorithm Profiles for prior Model Selection in Knowledge Discovery Systems. In Proceedings of the SMC'99, International Conference on Systems, Man and Sybernetics. Tokyo, Japan. October 1999. IEEE press.

1.   Kalousis, A., Zarkadakis, G., Theoharis T. NOEMON: Adding intelligence to the Knowledge discovery process. In proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Expert Systems. Cambridge, England. December 1997.


12.   Gregorova, M., Marchand-Maillet, S., Kalousis, A. Learning coherent Granger-causality in panel vector autoregressive models. Proceedings of the Demand Forecasting Workshop of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, 2015. (pdf)

11.   Gregorova, M., Marchand-Maillet, S., Kalousis, A. Functional Learning of Time Series Models Preserving Granger Causality Structures. Proceedings of the Time Series Workshop of the 29th Neural Information Processing Systems conference, NIPS-2015. (pdf)

10.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Learning Relational Distances. The 16th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP06) 2006, ''in area'' short papers Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

9.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Matching Based Kernels for Labeled Graphs. Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, in the context of the European Conference on Machine Learning 2006.

8.   Zerefos, P., Prados, J., Kalousis, A., Vlahou, A. Urinary protein profiling by MALDI-MS: Tackling sample preparation and bioinformatics issues. In late breaking abstracts for the American Association for Cancer Research meeting (2006).

7.   Woznica, A., Kalousis, A., Hilario, M. Distance-based learning over extended relational algebra structures, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-2005) (late breaking papers)

6.   Kalousis, A., Prados, J., Hilario, M., Feature Extraction from Mass Spectra for Classification. In Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Postgenomic Data, Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon, France, 2005.

5.   Hilario, M., Kalousis, A., and Muller, M. Experiments in Automated Diagnosis from Protein Mass Spectra. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Data Mining for Mass Spectrometry. North Carolina, USA. September, 2002.

4.   Kalousis A., Hilario M. A comparison of inducer selection via instance-based and boosted decision-tree meta-learning. In Proceedings of the fith International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning Systems. Guimaraes, Portugal. July 2000.

3.   Kalousis A., Theoharis T. Noemon: An Intelligent Assistant for Classifier Selection. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, Workshop on Recent Advances in Meta-Learning and Future Work. Blend, Slovenia. June 1999.

2.   Spiliopoulou, M., Kalousis, A., Faulstich, L.C., Theoharis, T. NOEMON: An Intelligent Assistant for Classifier Selection. In proceedings of the 13th German Workshop on Machine Learning, Berlin, Germany. August 1998.

1.   Vazirgiannis, M., Kalousis, A., Hatzopoulos, M. KNOWEL: A Hypermedia Knowledge Editor. In 6th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'95) - Workshop proceedings. ONMIPRESS, San Mateo, California 1995.