Yareta et OLOS: Comment être innovant en gestion des données de recherche?
Date: 5 mai 2021 – 12h30-13h30
Yareta et OLOS: Comment être innovant en gestion des données de recherche ?
Yareta et OLOS sont deux plateformes de préservation des données de recherche, issues du projet DLCM mandaté par swissuniversities. Dans cette présentation, nous aborderons la question de comment innover dans ce domaine très compétitif. Après une introduction du contexte, nous aborderons l'architecture de la technologie sous-jacente et les fonctionnalités qui en découlent. Une comparaison avec d'autres plateformes similaires nous conduira à mettre en perspective les éléments innovateurs de notre approche.
Pierre-Yves Burgi is Deputy CIO, heading the unit for development and integration of IT solutions within the Information System Division of the University of Geneva. He is particularly involved in the e-research and e-learning domains. He is the initiator and director of the DLCM project which started in June 2014, and which led to the development of Yareta and OLOS, two platforms for long-term preservation of research data. Pierre-Yves Burgi received his degree in computer engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 1986, and his PhD from the University of Geneva in 1992.
Hugues Cazeaux - After an engineering degree in Computer Science, Hugues worked in several software companies during the last 20 years, introducing and practicing agile methodologies. In the last decade, Hugues acquired expertise in the archiving & record management domain. He is currently heading the e-Research Team at UNIGE and actively contributed to the design of the DLCM solution for long-term preservation. He currently leads the development and implementation of the institutional data preservation solution of UNIGE and of the the DLCM national solution OLOS.