Swiss Territorial Data Lab: A co-creation initiative to promote data science on territorial data
Date: 6 octobre 2021 – 12h30-13h30
Swiss Territorial Data Lab: A co-creation initiative to promote data science on territorial data
As social and environmental challenges are piling up, data science and algorithms are becoming more and more important to bring reliable solutions and to open opportunities to improve our approaches of these challenges.
The Swiss Territorial Data Lab was created as an initiative joining authorities, the academic world and Swiss territory actors to promote data science as an evolution of practices to lead to a more sustainable and systematic management of Swiss territory and its associated challenges.
Through the federal and cantonal land register offices, a large amount of high-quality territorial data are made available for computation and systematic processes. Combined with data science, these data can offer a wide spectrum of new methodologies, research fields and practices, toward a new understanding of our own territory.
With our developed tools, quarries, thermal panel installations and land register related objects such as swimming pools are detected using aerial images and ortho-photography to provide automated inventory and systematic survey, that territory actors can then integrate in their own processes. Digitized national maps are also used to extract information about buildings, such as their construction date that can then be integrated in federal registers. Specific frameworks are also developed and used to track modifications of the land register itself, leading to systematic inventory and representation of the differences as a verifications and validation tool for such complex data.
Niels Hamel is a data scientist at the Swiss Territorial Data Lab and University of Geneva. In addition to researches on data science applied on territorial data and on large-scale information systems, its role in the Swiss Territorial Data Lab is to provide a bridge between cutting edge technologies and the actors of Swiss territory.