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Papers in Journals, Conference Proceedings, Books


Caselli, A., Falquet, G., Métral, C. (2021) Knowledge Graph Construction for Subsurface Objects Including Uncertainty and Time Variation. In Proc. 3DGEOINF Conf. 2021, New-York. ISPRS Archive (to appear)

Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., Tsinaraki, C., Klan, F., Schade, S., Bastin, L. et al. (2021) A Conceptual Model for Participants and Activities in Citizen Science Projects in Vohland K. & al. (Eds.) The Science of Citizen Science. Springer. Pages 159-182 .


Gosetto, L., Ehrler, F., Falquet. G. (2020) Personalization Dimensions for MHealth to Improve Behavior Change: A Scoping Review. In Integrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care, IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200698

Ontology-Based Rule Compliance Checking for Subsurface Objects.

  DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-4-W1-2020-91-2020


Arouna, S., Murphy, J., Rabah, M., Rouis, K., Sidere, N., Tamani, N., Champagnat, R., Coustaty, M., Falquet, G., Ghadfi, S., Ghamri-Doudane, Y., Gomez-Krämer, P., Howells, G., McDonald-Maier, K. D. (2019) Security and PrIvacy foR the Internet of Things: an overview of the project. In Proc. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2019.8914221

Métral C., Falquet G. (2019) Une technique de spécification abstraite pour la publication de géodonnées liées (poster). In Proc. Spatial Analysis and Geomatics (SAGEO) Conference, November 13-15 2019, Clermont-Ferrand, 319-324,

Aljalbout S., Buchs D., Falquet G. (2019) Introducing Contextual Reasoning to the Semantic Web with OWL𝐶. In Proc. Intl Conf. on Conceptual Structures - Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. ICCS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11530. Springer. DOI

Aljalbout S., Buchs D., Falquet G. (2019). OWL^C: A Contextual Two-Dimensional Web Ontology Language. In Proc. 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Vol. 70, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, doi: 10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2019.2


Métral, C., Falquet, G. (2018) Extension And Contextualisation For Linked Semantic 3D Geodata. Proc. 3D GEOINFO Conf., Delft, Sept. 2018. In ISPRS Archives.

Aljalbout, S., Buchs, D., Falquet, G. (2018) A Practical Implementation of Contextual Reasoning on the Semantic Web. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Sevilla, September 2018. DOI: 10.5220/0006936802550262

Falquet, G., Metral, C., Ozaine, S., Giuliani, G. (2018) An Abstract Specification Technique for the Publication of Linked Geospatial Data. Proc. AGILE 2019 Conf., Lund, June 2018.

Daponte, V., Falquet, G. (2018) Une ontologie pour la formalisation et la visualisation des connaissances scientifiques. In Proc. 29es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2018), Nantes, July 2018.

de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. (2018) Extracting discourse elements and annotating scientific documents using the SciAnnotDoc model: A use case in gender documents. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 19, pages 271–286.


Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017) A Semantic Model for Historical Manuscripts. In proc. Third International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage at ESWC'17. Portorož, Slovenia, May 2017.

Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017) Un modèle pour la représentation des connaissances temporelles dans les documents historiques : Applications sur les manuscrits de F.Saussure. In Proc. 28es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2017), Caen, July 2017.


Aljalbout, S., Cosenza, G., Falquet, G., Nerima, L. A (2016) Semantic Infrastructure for Scientific Manuscripts. In Federico Boschetti (Ed.) proc. International conference 2016: “Digital Edition: Representation, interoperability, text analysis, Venice.

Lacastaa, J., Falquetb, G., Zarazaga-Soriaa, F. J., Nogueras-Isoa, J. (2016) An automatic method for reporting the quality of thesauri. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 104, July 2016, Pages 1–14

Lacasta J., Falquet, G., Nogueras Iso, J., Zarazaga-Soria, J. (2016) A software processing chain for evaluating thesaurus quality. In Proc. Second International KEYSTONE Conference (IKC2016), Cluj Napoca, Sept. 8-9, 2016.

Tardy, C., Falquet, G., Moccozet, L. (2016) Semantic enrichment of places with VGI sources: a knowledge based approach. In Proc. 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval in conjunction with ACM SIGSPATIAL Conf., San Francisco, Nov. 2016.

Billen, R., Cutting-Decelle, A.-F., Métral, C., Falquet, G., Zlatanova, S., Marina, O. (2016) Challenges of Semantic 3D City Models: A Contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801. In Information Resources Management Association (Eds.) 3D Printing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, IGI Global.

Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., Metral, C. (2016) Towards Linked Data and ontology development for the semantic enrichment of volunteered geo-information. In proc. Link-VGI Workshop at the AGILE 2016 Conf., Helsinki, Finland, June 14th 2016. PDF

Tardy, C., Moccozet, L., Falquet, G. (2016) A simple tags categorization framework using spatial coverage to discover geospatial semantics. OD4LS Workshop, in conjunction with WWW2016, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 12, 2016

Falquet, G., Guoyt, J., Ghoula, N. (2016) Terminology Management: New Perspectives. In Proc. DTT Symposium, Mannheim, 3-5 March 2016.

Boyer, C., Dolamica, L.,Falquet, G., Ruche, P. (2016) Effect of the Named Entity Recognition and Sliding Window on the HONcode Automated detection of HONcode criteria for mass health online content. HEALTHINF 2016.

Bucher B., Falquet G., Métral C., Lemmens R. (2016) Enhancing the management of quality of VGI: contributions from context and task modelling. In: European handbook of crowdsourced geographic information, C. Capineri, H. Huang, M. Haklay (Eds), Ubiquity Press, forthcoming

Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., De Sabbata, S., Jiang, B., Bucher, B. (2016) Querying VGI by semantic enrichment. In: European handbook of crowdsourced geographic information, C. Capineri, H. Huang, M. Haklay (Eds), Ubiquity Press, forthcoming.


Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.-F., Métral C., Falquet G., Zlatanova S., Marina O. (2015) Challenges of semantic 3D city models: a contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801. In: International Journal of 3D Information Modeling, 4(2), 68-76, April-June 2015.

Boyer, C., Dolamica, L., Falquet, G. (2015) Language Independent Tokenization vs. Stemming in Automated Detection of Health Websites’ HONcode Conformity: An Evaluation. Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 64, Pages 224–231. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.484

Guyot, J., Falquet, G. (2015) L’alignement au cœur du multilinguisme. In Proc. TAO-CAT, Angers 2015

Guyot, J., Ghoula, N., Falquet, G. (2015) How2Say: Une exploration interactive terminologique des corpus multilingues. In Proc. TOTh Conferences – Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, Chamberry 4 - 5 June 2015.


Métral C., Falquet G. (2014) Prototyping Information Visualization in 3D City Models: a Model-based Aproach. 3DGeoInfo 2014 Conference, Dubai, 12-13 November 2014 PDF

Métral C., Ghoula N., Silva V., Falquet G. (2014) A Repository of Information Visualization Techniques to Support the Design of 3D Virtual City Models. In Innovations in 3D Geo-Information Sciences, U. Isikdag (Ed), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 2014, XII, 175-194,

Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.-F., Marina O., de Almeida J.-P., Caglioni M., Falquet G., Leduc T., Métral C., Moreau G., Perret J., Rabino G., San José R., Yatskiv I. and Zlatanova S. (2014) 3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives. Final publication of the European Cost Action TU0801 - Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development, EDP Sciences,

Touya, G., Bucher, B., Falquet, G., Jaara, K., Steiniger, S. (2014) Modelling Geographic Relationships in Automated Environments. In Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World: Methodologies and Applications of Map Generalisation, Burghardt, D., Duchêne, C., Mackaness, W. (Eds), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Catography, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00203-3

de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. (2014) Un modèle d’annotation sémantique centré sur les utilisateurs de documents scientifiques : cas d’utilisation dans les études genre. Actes des 25ème journées d'Ingéniérie des Connaissances (IC 2014), Mai 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Ghoula, N., Guyot, J., Falquet, G. (2014) Terminology Management Revisited. Translation and the Computer 36. London. PDF


Bouaziz, R., Bourque, P., Falquet, G. (Eds.) (2013) Ontologies : Évolution et opérationalisation Numéro spécial de la revue Technique et science informatiques, Hermès, Vol. 32, No. 7-8.

Lacasta, J., Nogueras-Iso, J., Falquet, G., Teller, J., Zarazaga-Soria, F.J. (2013) Design and evaluation of a semantic enrichment process for bibliographic databases. Data & Knowledge Engineering Volume 88, November 2013, Pages 94–107, DOI:

de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. (2013) A User-Centric Model to Semantically Annotate and Retrieve Scientific Documents. in Proc. ACM Sixth International Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval. ESAIR'13, October 28-27 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

Ghoula N., Falquet G. Nindanga, H. (2013) A meta-model and ontology for managing heterogenous alignment resources. In proceeding of: KDO 2013: First Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Ontologies at IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Atlanta, USA

Métral C., Ghoula N., Silva, V., Falquet G. (2013) A repository of information visualization techniques to support the design of 3D virtual city models. In Proc. 8th 3D GeoInfo Conference, November 27-29 2013, Instanbul, Turkey, ISPRS Annals-Volume II-2/W1, U. Isikdag (Ed), pp 247-254 pdf

Métral C., Ghoula N., Silva, V., Falquet G. (2013) Une ontologie de techniques de visualisation d’informations : application aux modèles urbains 3D enrichis. Actes des 24ème journées d'Ingéniérie des Connaissances (IC 2013), 3-5 juillet 2013, Lille, France. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2005.0884 pdf présentation

Moccozet, L., Tardy, C., Opprecht, W., Léonard, M. (2013) Gamification-based assessment of group work. In proceeding of: Interactive Collaborative Learning 2013, Kazan, Russia.

Moccozet, L., Tardy, C., Lakhdar, H., Lakhdar, A., Rentsch, R., Wirth, M. (2013) Musimage: using social multimedia to engage pupils in classical music appreciation. In proceeding of: Interactive Collaborative Learning 2013, Kazan, Russia.


Métral C., Ghoula N., Falquet G. An ontology of 3D visualization techniques for enriched 3D city models. In Proceedings of 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models - Final conference of the European COST Action TU0801 Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable development, T. Leduc, G. Moreau and R. Billen (Eds.), EDP Sciences, 02005:1-15, 2012.

Bucher B., Falquet, G., Clementini, E., Sester, M. Towards a typology of spatial relations and properties for urban applications, Conf. 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models, 29-31 October 2012, Nantes, France.

Tardy, C., Moccozet, L., Falquet, G. Contextualisation and alignment of documents and 3D city models in an urban semantic digital library, Conf. 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models, 29-31 October 2012, Nantes, France.

de Ribaupierre, H. Precise information retrieval in semantic scientific digital libraries. In CEUR doctoral symposium proceedings, EKAW2012, Galway, 12 October 2012

de Ribaupierre, H. Inferring scientific knowledge from background fragments. poster. EKAW2012, Galway, 12 October 2012 (PDF)

Ghoula, N. An ontology based repository for managing heterogeneous Knowledge resources. In CEUR doctoral symposium proceedings, EKAW2012, Galway, 12 October 2012

Ajmi, O., Ghoula, N., Falquet, G. Méthodologie de construction d’outil d’aide à la décision pour le choix de techniques d’alignement à travers les évaluations. poster, IC2012, Paris, 26 June 2012

Métral C., Ghoula N., Falquet G. Towards an Integrated Visualization of Semantically Enriched 3D City Models: an Ontology of 3D Visualization Techniques. In 3D Issues in Urban and Environmental Systems, R. Billen, M. Caglioni, O. Marina, G. Rabino, R. San José (Eds.), Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, 35-42, 2012.

Bucher B., Falquet, G., Clementini, E., Sester, M. Spatial relations and properties for semantically enhanced 3D city models Workshop 3D issues in urban and environmental systems, 12-13 April 2012, Madrid, Spain PDF


de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. New trends for reading scientific documents. InProceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Online books, complementary social media and crowdsourcing(BooksOnline '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19-24, 2011.

Lacasta, J., Nogueras-Iso, J., Teller, J., Falquet, G. Transformation of a keyword indexed collection into a semantic repository: applicability to the urban domain. In Proc. Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Berlin, 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6966, Springer. Best paper award.

Ghoula, N. de Ribaupierre, H., Tardy, C., Falquet, G. Opérations sur des ressources hétérogènes dans un entrepôt de données à base d’ontologie. In Actes des 4e journées francophones sur les ontologies, Montréal, Canada, 2011.

P. Bourque, R. Bouaziz, G. Falquet (Eds.) Actes des 4e journées francophones sur les ontologies, Montréal, Canada, 22-23 juin 2011. (to appear in ACM digital library)

Falquet, G., Guyot, J. (2011) Ontologies and multilingualism. In Ontologies in Urban Development Projects G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, C. Tweed (Eds.). Springer, 2011.

Métral, C., Cutting-Decelle A.-F. (2011) Ontologies for interconnecting urban models. In Ontologies in Urban Development Projects G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, C. Tweed (Eds.). Springer, 2011.

Nogueras-Iso, J., Lacasta, J., Teller, J., Falquet, G., Guyot, J. Transformation of urban knowledge sources to ontologies. In Ontologies in Urban Development Projects G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, C. Tweed (Eds.). Springer, 2011.


Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2010). Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models. In FormaMente, International Research Journal on Digital Future, 1-2(V), 85-111

Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Teller, J. (2010) Incremental development of a shared urban ontology : the Urbamet experience. In FormaMente, International Research Journal on Digital Future, 1-2(V), 171-186

Guyot, J., Benzineb, K., Falquet, G. 2010. myClass: A Mature Tool for Patent Classification. In Proc. Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation, Padua, 20-23 Sept. 2010. pdf

Bazargan, K., Falquet, G., and Métral, C. 2010. Testing the Usability of Information Visualization Techniques in Interactive 3D Virtual Environments: a Toolkit. In Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 (Freiburg, Germany 28 - 30 July 2010). [Outstanding Paper Award]

Ghoula, N., Falquet, G., Guyot, J. 2010. TOK: Une ontologie de ressources linguistiques, terminologiques et ontologiques. Conference poster in Conférence IC 2010, 8-11 Juin, Nîmes, France.

Ghoula, N., Falquet, G., Guyot, J. 2010. TOK: A meta-model and ontology for heterogenous terminological, linguistic and ontological knowledge resources. In Proc. ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence Conf., Toronto. 2010. PDF

Ghoula, N., Falquet, G., Guyot, J. 2010. Modèle d’entrepôt de ressources hétérogènes pour le traitement sémantique des documents. Document Numérique, vol. 13, no. 2, Hermès, Paris. 2010

de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G., Roth, P. (2010) Les differences de genre dans le modèle de prediction de l’adoption des nouvelles technologies. Submitted for publication.

de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. Recherche d’information dans des corpus scientifiques basée sur la structure du discours. Poster presentation at École d’Automne en Recherche d’Information et Applications, Saint-Germain-Au-Mont-D’or, 2010.

Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Teller, J. Incremental development of a shared urban ontology : the Urbamet experience. (2010= ITcon, Vol.15, Special Is¬sue: Bringing urban ontologies into practice, 132-139,

Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2010). Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models, ITcon, Vol.15, Special Issue: Bringing urban ontologies into practice, 169-184,


Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2009). Ontology-Based Models for Im¬proving the Interoperability of 3D Urban Information. In Urban Ontologies for an improved com¬munication in urban development projects, J. Teller, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, R. Billen (Eds.), Les Editions de l’Université de Liège, Liège

Bazargan, K., Falquet, G., and Métral, C. (2009). Une infrastructure d'évaluation pour des techniques de représentation de l'information non-géométrique dans les environnements virtuels 3D. In Proceedings of the 21st international Conference on Association Francophone D'interaction Homme-Machine (Grenoble, France, October 13 - 16, 2009). IHM '09. ACM, New York, NY, 151-154.

Nogueras-Iso, J., Lacasta, J., Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Teller, J. Ontology learning from thesauri: an experience in the urban domain. Chapter in Gargouri, F. and Jaziri, W. (Eds.) Ontology Theory, Management and Design: Advanced Tools and Models. IGI Intl publishing. (to appear)

Métral C., Falquet G. & Cutting-Decelle A.-F. (2009), Towards semantically enriched 3D city models: an ontology-based approach. Academic Track of GeoWeb 2009 - Cityscapes, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS), XXXVIII-3-4/C3, (Kolbe T. H., Zhang H. & Zlatanova S., editors), Vancouver, Canada.

Bazargan, K. and Falquet, G. 2009. Specifying the Representation of Non-geometric Information in 3D Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the 13th international Conference on Human-Computer interaction. Part Ii: Novel interaction Methods and Techniques (San Diego, CA, July 19 - 24, 2009). J. A. Jacko, Ed. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 5611. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 773-782. DOI=,

Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Teler, J. Incremental Development of Shared Urban Ontology: the Urbamet Experience. In Urban Ontologies for an Improved Communication in Urban Development Projects, Proc. of the Final Conference of the COST Action C21, Liège, March 2009.

Risoldi, M., Amaral, V., Barroca, B., Bazargan, K., Buchs, D., Cretton, F., Falquet, G., Calvé, A., Malandain, S., and Zoss, P. 2009. A Language and a Methodology for Prototyping User Interfaces for Control Systems. In Human Machine interaction: Research Results of the MMI Program, D. Lalanne and J. Kohlas, Eds. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 5440. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 221-248. DOI=

Radhouani, S., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Falquet, G. 2009. FlexIR: a Domain-Specific Information Retrieval System. POLIBITS Research journal on Computer science and computer engineering with applications, 39, pp 27-31.

Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Radhouani, S., Benzineb K. Analysis of Word Sense Disambiguation-Based Information Retrieval. In 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008, Revised Selected Papers. C. Peters, et al. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. …., Springer


Métral C., Falquet G. and Karatzas K. (2008) Ontologies for the Integration of Air Quality Models and 3D City Models. In Conceptual Models for Practitioners, J. Teller, C. Tweed, G. Rabino (Eds.), Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna.

Radhouani, S. Un modèle de Recherche d'Information orienté précision fondé sur les dimensions de domaine. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France, July, 2008.

Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Guyot, J. Un modèle et une algèbre pour les systèmes de gestion d'ontologies. In proc. EGC08, Sophia Antipolis, Jan 2008.

Radhouani, S., Falquet, G. Description Logics-Based Modelling for Precise Information Retrieval. In proc. 21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2008), Dresden, April 2008. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings series .

Radhouani, S., Falquet, G., Chevallet, J.-P. Description Logic to Model a Domain Specific Information Retrieval System (short paper). In Proc. 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA '08 ), Turin, 2008. PDF

Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Radhouani, S., Benzineb K. Working notes of the UNIGE Experiments on Robust Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proc. CLEF 2008 Workshop, Aarhus, 2008.


Grin, F. and Falquet, G. Free software, proprietary software and linguistic justice. Chapter in A. Strowel, A. Gosserie and A. Marciano (Eds.)Intellectual Property Rights and Theories of Justice, Palgrave, London

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Hyperbooks (book chapter). In Sebastian Ryszard Kruk, Bill McDaniel (Eds.) Semantic Digital Libraries. Bringing Digital Libraries to the Next Generation of Internet. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2007 PDF

Metral, C., Falquet, G., Karatzas, K. Ontologies for the Integration of Air Quality Models and 3D City Models. In proc. 2nd Workshop on Urban Ontologies for an improved communication in urban civil engineering projects, Turin, 2007

Métral C., Falquet G. and Vonlanthen M. (2007). An Ontology-based Model for Urban Planning Communication. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) 61, 61-72, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg

Grangel R., Métral C., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Bourey J.P. and Young R.I.M. (2007) Ontology Based Communications through Model Driven Tools: Feasibility of the MDA Approach in Urban Engineering Projects. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) 61, 181-196, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg


Benslimane, D., Arara, A., Falquet, G., Maamar, Z., Thiran, P., Gargouri, F. Contextual Ontologies: Motivations, Challenges, and Solutions, in Proc. Advances in Information Systems Conf., Izmir, Oct. 2006. To appear in LNCS [[Preliminary version]]

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Building Integrating Semi-formal Knowledge Organization Structures. 5th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop at the 10th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2006), Alicante, Spain, September 21, 2006. [[Abstract]] Presentation]]

Radhouani, S. and Falquet, G. Using External Knowledge to Solve Multi-Dimensional Queries, in Proc. 13th Intl Conf. on Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications (CE 2006), Antibes, Sept. 2006. IOS Press. Preliminary version]]

Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Benzineb, K. Construire un moteur d'indexation. Ingénierie des systèmes d'information, vol. 11, no. 4, Hermes, Paris, 2006. pp.99-131

Guyot, J., Radhouani, S. and Falquet, G. Conceptual Indexing for Multilingual Information Retrieval. In Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories: 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2005, Vienna, Austria, Revised Selected Papers. C. Peters, et al. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4022, Springer (forthcoming).

Chevallet, J.-P., Lim, J.-H. and Radhouani, S. A Structured Visual Learning Approach Mixed With Ontology Dimensions For Medical Queries. In Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories: 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2005, Vienna, Austria, Revised Selected Papers. C. Peters, et al. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4022, Springer (forthcoming).

Radhouani, S., Maisonnasse, L., Lim, J.-H. , Le, T.-H.-D. and Chevallet J.-P. Une Indexation Conceptuelle pour un Filtrage par Dimensions, Expérimentation sur la base médicale ImageCLEFmed avec le méta thésaurus UMLS. In Proc. COnférence en Recherche Information et Applications CORIA'2006, Lyon France, 15 - 17 mars, 2006.

Radhouani, S., Lim, J.-H., Chevallet, J.-P. and Falquet, G., Combining Textual and Visual Ontologies to Solve Medical Multimodal Queries. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2006), Toronto, Canada, 9-12 July, 2006.


Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., G. Tissiani, Falquet, G., R. Pinto da Luz. Facilitating Communication between languages and Cultures: A computerized interface and Knowledge Base. Journal of Computing Research 2005, to appear.

Chevallet, J.-P., Lim, J.-H., Radhouani, S. Using Ontology Dimensions and Negative Expansion to solve Precise Queries in CLEF Medical Task. In CLEF Workhop, Working Notes in Cross-Language Retrieval in Image Collections Track, Vienna, Austria , 21-23 September, 2005. pdf

Guyot, J., Radhouani, S., Falquet, G. Ontology-Based Multilingual Information Retrieval. In CLEF Workhop, Working Notes in Multilingual Textual Document Retrieval Track, Vienna, Austria , 21-23 September, 2005. pdf

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Building Virtual Documents by Integrating Hyperbooks. 4th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop at 9th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2005), Vienna, Austria, September 22, 2005. Abstract Presentation

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Augmented Hyperbooks through Conceptual Integration. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext'05), Salzburg, Austria, September 6-9, 2005. PDF

El Atifi, M., Falquet, G. A Specification Language and System for the Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Knowledge Bases. In Proc. DSVIS '05, Newcastle, July 2005. PDF

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Ontologies and Ontology Mapping for Supporting Student Assessment in an Advanced Learning System. In Proceedings of the 17th annual AACE World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA), Montréal, Canada, June 27 - July 2, 2005. AACE Education & Information Technology Library Presentation

Falquet, G., Métral, C. Integrating Urban Knowledge into 3D City Models. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Next Generation 3D City Models, Bonn, Germany, June 2005, Gröger/Kolbe (Eds.), EuroSDR Publication #49, pp. 27-31.

El Atifi, M., Falquet, G. Spécification des interfaces 3D pour la visualisation des bases de connaissances. In Proc. INFORSID Conf., Grenoble, May 2005.

Falquet, G. and Ziswiler, J.-C. Virtual Hyperbooks Model to Support Collaborative Learning. AACE International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) Volume 4, Issue 1, 2005. pp. 39-56. in the AACE Digital Library Preliminary version published in Supplementary Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (aied2003), Sydney, Australia, July 2003.


Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Utilisation des ontologies dans les environnements d’écriture collaborative d’hyperlivres, expériences et perspectives.In Jacqueline Bourdeau, Michel Crampes (Éds.) Que signifie l'ontologie pour les EIAH ? Revue STICEF, Volume 11, 2004. pp. 333-350. online

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Integration of Hyperbooks into the Semantic Web. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning (SW-EL'04), Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning session at the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004), Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-11, 2004. PDF

Kennedy, I. G., Fallahkhair, S., Rossano, V., Trifonova, A., Grasso, A., Graf, S., Ziswiler, J.-C., Fraser, R. Simple Web-based Adaptive Learning Technology. Learning Technology newsletter, Volume 6, Issue 4. Publication of IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT) ISSN 1438-0625, October 2004. pp. 78-83

Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Ontology Based Interfaces to Access a Library of Virtual Hyperbooks. In Rachel Heery, Liz Lyon (Eds.) Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Proceeding of the 8th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2004), Bath, UK, September 12-17, 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS), vol. 3232, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2004. ecdl-fmz.pdf

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Adaptive Mechanisms in a Virtual Hyperbook. In Proceeding of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2004), Joensuu, Finland, Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2004. Presentation

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Towards Digital Libraries of Virtual Hyperbooks. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext'04), Santa-Cruz, USA, August 2004.

Radhouani, S. and Jean-Pierre Chevallet and Mathias Géry. Extraction et indexation de chemins de lecture pour la Recherche d'Information sur le WEB. Eight Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MCSEAI'04), Sousse, Tunisie, 9-12 mai, 2004.

Radhouani, S., Chevallet, J.-P., Géry, M. Un modèle à base de chemin de lecture pour la Recherche d'Informations précises sur le Web. CORIA'04, Toulouse, France, 10-12 Mars, 2004.

Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Intégration d'ontologies pour l'accès à une bibliothèque d'hyperlivres virtuels. In Proc. 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2004), Toulouse, France, Janvier 2004. PDF


Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Tissiani, G., Falquet, G., Pinto da Luz, R. Facilitating Communication between Languages and Cultures: A Computerized Interface and Knowledge Base<. International Conference on the Convergence of Knowledge, Culture, Language and Information Technologies (CONVERGENCES ‘03), Alexandria, Egypt, December 2 - 6, 2003. PDF

Martins, A., Tissiani, G., Miranda Barcia, R. A Framework for the development of Universal Networking Language e-learning user interfaces. International Conference on the Convergence of Knowledge, Culture, Language and Information Technologies (CONVERGENCES ‘03), Alexandria, Egypt, December 2 - 6, 2003.

Fall, C. J., Benzineb, K., Guyot, J., Törcsvéri, A., Fiévet, P. Computer-Assisted Categorization of Patent Documents in the International Patent Classification. In Proceedings of the International Chemical Information Conference (ICIC'03), Nîmes, France, October 2003. PDF

Falquet, G. and Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. A Framework to Specify Hypertext Interfaces for Ontology Engineering. In Proc. of the Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories workshop of the 18th IJCAI Conf., Acapulco, Mexico, August 2003. PDF

Falquet, G. and Ziswiler, J.-C. A Virtual Hyperbooks Model to Support Collaborative Learning. In Vincent Aleven, Ulrich Hoppe, Judy Kay, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Helen Pain, Felisa Verdejo, Kalina Yacef (Eds.) Supplementary Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (aied2003), Sydney, Australia, July 2003. PDF

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Hurni, J.-P. Modèles et interfaces d'hyperlivres pour l'apprentissage collaboratif. In Sciences et Techniques Éducatives, numéro spécial, Ressources numériques, XML et éducation, E. Bruillard et B. de la Passadière (Éd.), Paris, 2003.


Falquet, G. and Mottaz, C.-L. A Model for the Collaborative Design of Multi-Point-of-View Terminological Knowledge Bases In R. Dieng and N. Matta (Eds) Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories, Kluwer, 2002. Preliminary version published in Proceedings of the Knowledge Management and Organizational Memory workshop of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, 1999. Abstract PDF

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Nerima, L., Park, S. Design and Analysis of Active Hypertext Views on Databases. CUI - Technical report, Jan. 2002. PDF Revised and extended version in P. Van Bommel (Ed.) Information Modeling for Internet Applications. IDEA Group publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. 2002

Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Hypertext Interfaces for Chinese Character and Word Dictionaries. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing, vol. 12, 2002. Full paper (.doc) Preliminary version (.pdf)


Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Navigation hypertexte dans une ontologie multi-points de vue In Proc. NimesTIC-01 conf., Nîmes, France, December 2001.PDF

Falquet, G., Jean-Pierre Hurni. Content and Interface Models for Multi Point of View Scientific Hyperbooks. CUI - Technical report, July 2001. PDF

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Nerima, L., Park, S. Design and Analysis of Virtual Museums. In Proc. of MW2001 (Museums and the Web), Seattle, March 2001 Abstract Full paper

Falquet, G., Hurni, J.-P., Guyot, J., Nerima, L. Learning by Creating Multipoint of View Scientific Hyperbooks In Proc. European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Maastricht, The Netherlands, March 2001. pp 222-229. Abstract PDF

Bachelor's thesis == Mémoire de licence

Merat, N. Stockage de données multimédias et conception de présentation dynamiques avec SMIL et Lazy. Mémoire de licence en systèmes d'information (Bac. thesis), Université de Genève, 2001. PDF


Falquet, G. and Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Conflict Resolution in the Collaborative Design of Terminological Knowledge Bases In proc. EKAW 2000 (International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, March 2000. Abstract PDF

Falquet, G., Hurni, J.-P., Guyot, J., Luka Nerima. Monographies scientifiques évolutives multi-points de vue. In Proc. Intl Conf. Systems Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (NîmesTIC), Nimes, Sept. 2000. pp 322-329. Abstract PDF

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Park, S. The Hypertext View Update Problem CUI Technical Report, March 2000. Abstract Postscript, PDF

1999 and before

Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Guyot, J., Vanoirbeek, C., Rekik, Y. A. Des documents virtuels pour lire les bases de données. In actes de l'atelier Documents virtuels personnalisés, de1a conférence francophone Interaction Homme-Machine, Montpellier, 1999.Résumé PDF

Vanoirbeek, C., Rekik, Y., Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Nerima, L. Reusing Dynamic Fragment through Virtual Documents: Key Issues in Document Engineering. In actes de l'atelier Documents virtuels personnalisés, de1a conférence francophone Interaction Homme-Machine, Montpellier, 1999.

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Nerima, L. Active hypertext views on databases CUI Technical Report, University of Geneva, 1999. Abstract PDF

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Nerima, L. Languages and Tools to Specify Hypertext Views on Databases. In The World Wide Web and Databases, International Workshop webDB'98, Valencia, Spain, March 1998, selected papers, LNCS 1590, 1998. (extended abstract Postscript, HTML, full paper PDF,HTML)

Falquet, G., Guyot, J. The Development of Long-lived Information Systems (in french) in Proc. of the ISACA Conf., Bruxelles, 1998. Slides

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Prince, I. Generating Hypertext Views on Databases. In Proceedings of the 14th INFORSID Conference, Bordeaux, 1996. (Postscript)

Guyot, J., Prince, I. World-Wide Web: What Links to Databases? in Swiss Oracle Users Group Newsletter, 1995. HTML

Guyot, J., Prince, I. World-Wide Web: What Links to Databases? Part II. in Swiss Oracle Users Group Newsletter, 1995. HTML

Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Prince, I. Generating Hypertext Views on Databases (short paper). CUI Technical Report no. 101, University of Geneva, 1995.


3D City Models and urban information: current issues and perspectives (2014) Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.-F., Marina O., de Almeida J.-P., Caglioni M., Falquet G., Leduc T., Métral C., Moreau G., Perret J., Rabino G., San José R., Yatskiv I. and Zlatanova S. (Eds), EDP Sciences, 01/2014, DOI:10.1051/TU0801/201400001

Ontologies in urban development projects (2011) G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, C. Tweed (Eds), Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, Springer, 2011


PhD thesis

Ghoula, N. (2014) An ontology-based repository for combining heterogeneous knowledge resources Thèse de doctorat, Université de Genève.

de Ribaupierre, H. (2014) Precise information retrieval in semantic scientific digital libraries Thèse de doctorat, Université de Genève.

Vonlanthen, M. (2012) Bases de connaissance spatiales pour les outils d’aide à la conception architecturale. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Genève.

Bazargan Harandi, K. (2011). Abstract Information Visualization in Interactive 3D Virtual Environments: Conceptualization and Usability Evaluation. Thèse de doctorat: Université de Genève, 2011, no. SES 747, Edition SES - Université de Genève, ISBN 978-2-88903-005-7.

Master thesis

Brero, M. (2013) Système de visualisation, d’annotation et de transcription des manuscrits numérisés de Ferdinand de Saussure. MSc. thesis, Université de Genève. PDF

Makonnen, Z. (2012) DataViewer 3D Extension: Design, Development and Usability Test. MSc. thesis, Université de Genève. PDF

de Ribaupierre, H. (2009) La différence entre les genres dans le processus d'adoption d'un logiciel de dessin à partir du modèle de l'acceptabilité des nouvelles technologies (TAM). MSc. thesis, Université de Genève. PDF

Bachelor thesis / Mémoire de licence

Righetti, X. Study of Prototyping Tools for User Interface Design. Bachelor's thesis. Jan. 2006.

Bernard, B., Fachinotti, D. Les interfaces alternatives. Bachelor's thesis, July 2006.