  Jolita Ralyté
  Senior Researcher and Lecturer, PhD
  University of Geneva, Switzerland


Services to the Research Comunity


  • Chair of IFIP TC8: Information Systems, 2024-2026
  • Swiss representative for IFIP TC8: Information Systems, since 2020
  • Vice-Chair of IFIP TC8: Information Systems, 2021-2023
  • Chair, IFIP WG 8.1: Design and Evaluation of Information Systems 2016 - 2021
  • Vice-Chair, IFIP WG 8.1: Design and Evaluation of Information Systems. 2010 - 2015
  • Secretary, IFIP WG 8.1: Design and Evaluation of Information Systems, 2007 – 2009
  • Leader of the IFIP WG 8.1 Task Group on Method Engineering, 2004 – 2011

Member of the Editorial Board

  • BISE – Business & Information Systems Engineering, Springer
  • REJ – Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer
  • JDM – Journal of Database Management, IGI Global
  • IJISMD – International Journal of Information Systems Modeling and Design, IGI Global
  • IJISSS – International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, IGI Global

Chairing at the International Conferences

General Chair

  • Baltic DB&IS 2024 – 16th International Baltic Conference on Digital Business and Intelligent Systems, Vilnius, Lithuania, 30 June - 3 July, 2024.
  • PoEM 2021 – 14th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling, Riga, Latvia, November 24-26, 2021.
  • ME 2011 – IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on Method Engineering: Engineering Methods in the Service Oriented Context, Paris, France, April 20-22, 2011.

Program Chair

RCIS 2022, ER 2022, IEES 2021, CAiSE 2017 Forum, RCIS 2016, PoEM 2015, CBI 2014, INFORSID 2014, CAiSE 2012, ME 2007.

Doctroal Consortium Chair

CAiSE 2021, REFSQ 2018, REFSQ 2017, PoEM 2018, PoEM 2017, RCIS 2013, I-ESA 2006

Track Co-Cahair

AMCIS 2018-2024, EMMSAD 2019-2023, ECIS 2018, REFSQ 2014, ECIS 2013, INFORSID 2012- 2013, MCIS 2008

Workshops Chair

CAiSE 2010, OOIS 2003

Tutorials Chair

ER 2019, CAiSE 2016, CAiSE 2010, ER 2008 

Mentor for Doctoral Consortium

CAISE 2022-2024, RCIS 2021, CAISE 2020, CBI 2019, RCIS 2015, INFORSID 2012, CAiSE 2011

Publication Chair

CAiSE 2011, IESS 2011, IESS 2010

Organizing Committee Member

IESS 2011, IESS 2010, I-ESA 2005, OOIS 2003

Workshop Organizer and Co-Chair

SREP 2005, SREP 2007, EMSISE 2003

Associate Editor

ECIS 2013, ECIS 2009

Program Committee/Board Member

  • Conferences: CAiSE 2004-2025, ER 2011-2024, REFSQ 2002-2019, RCIS 2007-2025, IEEE CBI 2011-2024, PoEM 2008-2024, EMMSAD 2006-2024, IESS 2010-2024, ICEIS 2007-2015, ECIS 2008-2010, 2013, 2021, APCCM 2014-2021, ICSOFT 2006-2015, INFORSID 2002-2024, CooPIS 2015, ICSSI 2015, BMSD 2011-2021,ADBIS 2005, 201, I-ESA 2005-2007, BalticDB&IS 2012, 2018, BPM 2008, LISS 2011, GISP 2010, iiWAS 2008, OOIS 2003, MCIS 2008, TPSE 2005
  • Workshops: SoEA4EE 2013-2024, MReBA 2014-2017, ASDENCA 2014-2019, QMMQ 2014-2018, SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium 2017-2021, ICServ 2017, CRE 2015, EVL-BP 2014, BUSITAL 2011-2013, PRET 2012-2013, ENASE 2010-2011, RIGIM 2007-2013, MUSE 2006-2008, REFS 2012, WGBP 2010, FIPA-DPDF 2010, ...


Last modified 27 August 2024