AB-Web Publications

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Refereed full papers (journals, book chapters, international conferences)


  • Patrick Roth, Julien Kronegg and Thierry Pun, Rendering digital images accessible for blind computer users, In HCI International 2003, 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June 22-27 2003.


  • Patrick Roth, Hesham Kamel, Lori Petrucci and Thierry Pun, A comparison of three nonvisual methods for presenting scientific graphs, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96, 6, pp. 420-428, June 2002.


  • Hesham Kamel and Patrick Roth, Graphics and Users Exploration via Simple Sonics (GUESS): Providing Interrelation Representation of Objects in a Non-visual Environment, In ICAD 2001, In International Conference on Auditory Display, Espoo , Finland, July 29-August 1 2001.
  • Patrick Roth, Christoph Giess, Lori Petrucci and Thierry Pun, Adapting Haptic Game Devices for non-visual Graph Rendering, In HCI 2001, International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 5-10 2001.
  • Patrick Roth, David Richoz, Lori Petrucci and Thierry Pun, An Audio-Haptic Tool For Non-Visual Image Representation, In ISSPA 2001, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Special Session: Enhanced user interfaces for non-visual image display), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2001. (to appear)



  • Lori Petrucci, Patrick Roth, Andre Assimacopoulos and Thierry Pun, An audio browser for increasing access to World Wide Web sites for blind and visually impaired computer users, In 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI'99, Munich, Germany, 22-27 August 1999.
  • Patrick Roth, Lori Petrucci, Andre Assimacopoulos and Thierry Pun, Auditory browser for blind and visually impaired users, In ACM SIGCHI Computer Human Interaction 99, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 218-219, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15-20 May 1999.


  • Thierry Pun, Patrick Roth and Lori Petrucci, An image-capable audio internet browser for facilitating blind user access to digital libraries, In Digital Libraries '98 - The Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 1998.
  • Patrick Roth, Lori Petrucci, André Assimacopoulos and Thierry Pun, AB-Web: Active audio browser for visually impaired and blind users, In International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD'98), Glasgow, UK, November 1998.
Conferences with full paper or abstract


  • Thierry Pun, André Assimacopoulos, Lori Petrucci and Patrick Roth, ABWeb: Active audio Internet browser for visually impaired and blind users, In SPP-ICS Closing Conference, Swiss Priority Program on Information and Communication Structures, pp. 97-99, Fribourg, Switzerland, March 15 2000.


  • Thierry Pun and André Assimacopoulos, ABWeb: Active audio Internet browser for visually impaired and blind users, In Proceedings of the Conference of the Swiss Priority Programme on Information and Communication Structures (SPP ICS), Irchel Campus, Zürich University, Zürich, 13 July 1998.
  • Patrick Roth, Lori Petrucci, André Assimacopoulos and Thierry Pun, Techniques interactives et passives de restitution d'information graphique pour les non-voyants, In Séminaire Technique et Cognition: Finitude, Situation et Inscription Corporelle, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, January 1998.
Other Journals


Diploma theses (M.Sc.)


  • Pascal Schmid, Reconnaissance Vocale: Intégration D'une Interface Modale Dans WebSound. Diploma thesis (MSc), University of Geneva, June 2001.


  • Eric Harth, Plate-forme de Sonification Dynamique de Pages Web Pour Aveugles et Malvoyants. Diploma thesis, University of Geneva, September 1999.


  • Patrick Roth, Interface Web pour non-voyants. Diploma thesis, University of Geneva, September 1997.
Licence theses (B.Sc.)


  • Lin Hong, Recherche de chaînes de caractères dans une image bitmap. Licence thesis (B.Sc.), University of Geneva, March 1999.

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University of Geneva
24 rue du Général-Dufour
1211 Geneva 4

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Thierry Pun

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