The conferences will take place at the following venue (click to go to the MIT Campus Map website)
Building 32 (Ray and Maria Stata Center)
street address: 32 Vassar Street
The talks will be in held in 32-G449 - the Patil/Kiva Conference Room. To get there, enter on 32 Vassar Street - go to the Gates tower (which is the first set of elevators from the front entrance on Vassar) and go to the 4th floor. Take a right when you get off the elevator and veer to the left. The conference room will be on the left.
Please use the following maps links for more information:
Google Maps
Internet Access on-site
Participants can log into the StataGuest (or Stata) wireless network. No password is required.
Interactive Maps
View Larger Map
The following map is a Street View map. Scroll a bit to the left, find the above street and click on it to zoom in. You may also explore other parts of Boston in the same way, by clicking on the blue parts of the city.