AB-Web project, members

  • Lori Stefano Petrucci (research assistant)
  • Patrick Roth (research assistant)
  • Pascal Schmidt (M.Sc. student)
  • Virginie Hintermeister (research student, psychology)
  • Véronique Rossier (research student, psychology)
  • André Assimacopoulos (Vice-president UCBA, Swiss Central Union Of and For the Blind; president of the ABA, Association pour le Bien des Aveugles)
  • Marie-Pierre Assimacopoulos (blind user and tester)
  • Alain Bariller (blind user and tester)
  • Julien Conti (blind user and tester).

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Computer Vision Group
University of Geneva
24 rue du Général-Dufour
1211 Geneva 4

Group director :
Thierry Pun

Designed by :
Lori Stefano Petrucci and David Squire

Generated from XML source and an XSL stylesheet, using XSL:P

By Lori Stefano Petrucci
Copyright © 1999 CUI