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Abstract Format: Authors should submit an extended abstract
(not a full paper). An abstract should start with the title
of the paper, each author`s name, affiliation, and e-mail
address, followed by a one-paragraph summary of the results
to be presented. This should then be followed by a technical
exposition of the main ideas and techniques used to achieve
these results including motivation and a clear comparison
with related work. The abstract should not exceed 10
single-spaced pages on letter-size paper (not including
the title page and the references), using reasonable
margins and at least 11-point font. If the authors believe
that more details are essential to substantiate the main
claims of the paper, they may include a clearly marked
appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program
committee. Abstracts deviating significantly from these
guidelines risk being rejected without further review.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.
Papers are solicited in all research areas related to randomization and approximation, including, but not limited to:
- design and analysis of approximation algorithms
- hardness of approximation
- small space, sub-linear time, and streaming algorithms
- embeddings and metric space methods
- mathematical programming methods
- combinatorial problems in graphs and networks
- game theory, markets, and economic applications
- geometric problems
- packing, covering, and scheduling
- approximate learning
- other applications
- design and analysis of randomized algorithms
- randomized complexity theory
- pseudorandomness and derandomi-zation
- random combinatorial structures
- random walks/Markov chains
- expander graphs and randomness extractors
- probabilistic proof systems
- random projections and embeddings
- error-correcting codes
- average-case analysis
- property testing
- computational learning theory