APPROX 2007 + RANDOM 2007
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APPROX 2007 + RANDOM 2007

20-22 August 2007

Princeton University



  • Special Event: Mini-Course on Additive Combinatorics

    Immediately following RANDOM-APPROX, there will be a two day mini-course (Aug 23-24) on additive combinatorics taught by Boaz Barak, Luca Trevisan and Avi Wigderson.  More information about the course is available here:

    Registration is free, but you must register by August 1.


  • An interactive map of Princeton University, as well a photograph of the computer science building, can be found here.


  • Parking instructions:

Attendees are supposed to you Lot 21 and the meters outside the department (bring change). Parking in Lot 3 (garage) is technically not allowed.  Please put this parking pass on your dashboard. A campus maps with parking lots can be found here.


APPROX 2007 + RANDOM 2007 jointly holds the international workshops:

  • APPROX 2007 - 10th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
  • RANDOM 2007 - 11th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation


Organizing committee:

Some previous APPROX + RANDOM: