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publications [2021/07/08 12:04] – [2020] adminpublications [2024/04/19 07:45] (current) admin
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 ===== Papers in Journals, Conference Proceedings, Books ===== ===== Papers in Journals, Conference Proceedings, Books =====
 +Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G., Buchs, D. (2023) Handling Wikidata qualifiers in reasoning
 +- arXiv preprint [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.03375]]
-==== 2021 ====+Gosetto, L., Pittavino, M., Falquet, G., Ehrler, F. (2023) Personalization of Mobile Apps for Health Behavioral Change: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Res Protoc  doi:10.2196/38603 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/38603]]
-Caselli, A., Falquet, G., Métral, C. (2021) Knowledge Graph Construction for Subsurface Objects Including Uncertainty and Time Variation. In Proc3DGEOINF Conf. 2021, New-YorkISPRS Archive (to appear)+Bediang, G., Falquet, G., Geissbuhler, A. (2022) 
 +An Ontology-Based Semantic Model for Sharing and Reusability of Clinical Pathways Across Context (ShaRE-CP). MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation P. Otero et al. (Eds.),  International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and IOS Press. doi:10.3233/SHTI220037 
 +Caselli, A., Falquet, G., Métral, C. (2021) Knowledge Graph Construction for Subsurface Objects Including Uncertainty and Time Variation. IntArchPhotogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-4/W4-2021, 131–136, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-4-W4-2021-131-2021, 2021
 Lemmens, R.,  Falquet, G., Tsinaraki, C., Klan, F., Schade, S.,  Bastin, L. et al. (2021) Lemmens, R.,  Falquet, G., Tsinaraki, C., Klan, F., Schade, S.,  Bastin, L. et al. (2021)
 A Conceptual Model for Participants and Activities in Citizen Science Projects in Vohland K. & al. (Eds.) //The Science of Citizen Science//. Springer. Pages 159-182 . https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-58278-4_9 A Conceptual Model for Participants and Activities in Citizen Science Projects in Vohland K. & al. (Eds.) //The Science of Citizen Science//. Springer. Pages 159-182 . https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-58278-4_9
-==== 2020 ==== +Daponte, V., Falquet, G. (2021) An ontology for the formalization and visualization of scientific knowledge. [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.04347]]
 Gosetto, L., Ehrler, F., Falquet. G. (2020) Gosetto, L., Ehrler, F., Falquet. G. (2020)
 Personalization Dimensions for MHealth to Improve Behavior Change: A Scoping Review. In I//ntegrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care//, IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200698 Personalization Dimensions for MHealth to Improve Behavior Change: A Scoping Review. In I//ntegrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care//, IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200698
-Métral, C. , Caselli, A., Daponte, V., Di Marzo Serugendo, G., Falquet, G.(2020) +Métral, C., Caselli, A., Daponte, V., Di Marzo Serugendo, G., Falquet, G. (2020) 
 Ontology-Based Rule Compliance Checking for Subsurface Objects.  Ontology-Based Rule Compliance Checking for Subsurface Objects. 
-In Proc. 3Dgeoinfo Conf. 2020, London. ISPRS Archive DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-4-W1-2020-91-2020 +In Proc. 3Dgeoinfo Conf. 2020, London. ISPRS Archive DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-4-W1-2020-91-2020 [[https://isprs-archives.copernicus.org/articles/XLIV-4-W1-2020/91/2020/isprs-archives-XLIV-4-W1-2020-91-2020.pdf]] 
-==== 2019 ====+ 
 +Caselli, A., Daponte, V., G., Falquet, G., Métral, C. (2020) A Rule Language Model for Subsurface Data Refinement. In. Proc EG-ICE2020 Conf., Berlin. https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/bitstream/11303/11088/3/EG-ICE_2020.pdf
 Arouna, S., Murphy, J., Rabah, M., Rouis, K., Sidere, N., Tamani, N., Champagnat, R., Coustaty, M., Falquet, G., Ghadfi, S., Ghamri-Doudane, Y., Gomez-Krämer, P., Howells, G., McDonald-Maier, K. D. (2019) Security and PrIvacy foR the Internet of Things: an overview of the project. In Proc. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2019.8914221 Arouna, S., Murphy, J., Rabah, M., Rouis, K., Sidere, N., Tamani, N., Champagnat, R., Coustaty, M., Falquet, G., Ghadfi, S., Ghamri-Doudane, Y., Gomez-Krämer, P., Howells, G., McDonald-Maier, K. D. (2019) Security and PrIvacy foR the Internet of Things: an overview of the project. In Proc. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2019.8914221
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 Aljalbout S., Buchs D., Falquet G. (2019). OWL^C: A Contextual Two-Dimensional Web Ontology Language. In Proc. 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Vol. 70, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, doi: 10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2019.2 Aljalbout S., Buchs D., Falquet G. (2019). OWL^C: A Contextual Two-Dimensional Web Ontology Language. In Proc. 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Vol. 70, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, doi: 10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2019.2
-==== 2018 ==== 
 Métral, C.,  Falquet, G. (2018) Extension And Contextualisation For Linked Semantic 3D Geodata. Proc. 3D GEOINFO Conf., Delft, Sept. 2018. In ISPRS Archives. Métral, C.,  Falquet, G. (2018) Extension And Contextualisation For Linked Semantic 3D Geodata. Proc. 3D GEOINFO Conf., Delft, Sept. 2018. In ISPRS Archives.
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 de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. (2018) Extracting discourse elements and annotating scientific documents using the SciAnnotDoc model: A use case in gender documents. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 19, pages 271–286. de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. (2018) Extracting discourse elements and annotating scientific documents using the SciAnnotDoc model: A use case in gender documents. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 19, pages 271–286.
-==== 2017 ==== 
 Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017) A Semantic Model for Historical Manuscripts. In proc. Third International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage at ESWC'17.  Portorož, Slovenia, May 2017. Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017) A Semantic Model for Historical Manuscripts. In proc. Third International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage at ESWC'17.  Portorož, Slovenia, May 2017.
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 Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017)  Un modèle pour la représentation des connaissances temporelles dans les documents historiques : Applications sur les manuscrits de F.Saussure. In Proc. 28es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2017), Caen, July 2017. Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017)  Un modèle pour la représentation des connaissances temporelles dans les documents historiques : Applications sur les manuscrits de F.Saussure. In Proc. 28es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2017), Caen, July 2017.
-==== 2016 ==== 
 Aljalbout, S., Cosenza, G., Falquet, G., Nerima, L. A (2016) Semantic Infrastructure for Scientific Manuscripts. In Federico Boschetti (Ed.) proc. International conference 2016: “Digital Edition: Representation, interoperability, text analysis, Venice. Aljalbout, S., Cosenza, G., Falquet, G., Nerima, L. A (2016) Semantic Infrastructure for Scientific Manuscripts. In Federico Boschetti (Ed.) proc. International conference 2016: “Digital Edition: Representation, interoperability, text analysis, Venice.
-Lacastaa, J., Falquetb, G.,  Zarazaga-Soriaa, F. J.,  Nogueras-Isoa, J. (2016) An automatic method for reporting the quality of thesauri. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 104, July 2016, Pages 1–14+Lacastaa, J., Falquet, G.,  Zarazaga-Soriaa, F. J.,  Nogueras-Isoa, J. (2016) An automatic method for reporting the quality of thesauri. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 104, July 2016, Pages 1–14
 Lacasta J., Falquet, G., Nogueras Iso, J., Zarazaga-Soria, J. (2016) A software processing chain for evaluating thesaurus quality. In Proc. Second International KEYSTONE Conference (IKC2016), Cluj Napoca, Sept. 8-9, 2016. Lacasta J., Falquet, G., Nogueras Iso, J., Zarazaga-Soria, J. (2016) A software processing chain for evaluating thesaurus quality. In Proc. Second International KEYSTONE Conference (IKC2016), Cluj Napoca, Sept. 8-9, 2016.
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 Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., De Sabbata, S., Jiang, B., Bucher, B. (2016) Querying VGI by semantic enrichment. In: European handbook of crowdsourced geographic information, C. Capineri, H. Huang, M. Haklay (Eds), Ubiquity Press, forthcoming. Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., De Sabbata, S., Jiang, B., Bucher, B. (2016) Querying VGI by semantic enrichment. In: European handbook of crowdsourced geographic information, C. Capineri, H. Huang, M. Haklay (Eds), Ubiquity Press, forthcoming.
-==== 2015 ==== 
 Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.-F., Métral C., Falquet G., Zlatanova S., Marina O. (2015) Challenges of semantic 3D city models: a contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801. In: International Journal of 3D Information Modeling, 4(2), 68-76, April-June 2015. Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.-F., Métral C., Falquet G., Zlatanova S., Marina O. (2015) Challenges of semantic 3D city models: a contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801. In: International Journal of 3D Information Modeling, 4(2), 68-76, April-June 2015.
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 Guyot, J., Ghoula, N., Falquet, G. (2015) How2Say: Une exploration interactive terminologique des corpus multilingues. In Proc. TOTh Conferences – Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, Chamberry 4 - 5 June 2015. Guyot, J., Ghoula, N., Falquet, G. (2015) How2Say: Une exploration interactive terminologique des corpus multilingues. In Proc. TOTh Conferences – Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, Chamberry 4 - 5 June 2015.
-==== 2014 ==== 
-Métral C., Falquet G. (2014) Prototyping Information Visualization in 3D City Models: a Model-based Aproach. 3DGeoInfo 2014 Conference, Dubai, 12-13 November 2014 [[http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:45315/ATTACHMENT01|PDF]]+Métral C., Falquet G. (2014) Prototyping Information Visualization in 3D City Models: a Model-based Aproach. 3DGeoInfo 2014 Conference, Dubai, 12-13 November 2014. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000043804  [[http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:45315/ATTACHMENT01|PDF]]
 Métral C., Ghoula N., Silva V., Falquet G. (2014) A Repository of Information Visualization Techniques to Support the Design of 3D Virtual City Models. In //Innovations in 3D Geo-Information Sciences//, U. Isikdag (Ed), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 2014, XII, 175-194, [[http://www.springer.com/978-3-319-00514-0]] Métral C., Ghoula N., Silva V., Falquet G. (2014) A Repository of Information Visualization Techniques to Support the Design of 3D Virtual City Models. In //Innovations in 3D Geo-Information Sciences//, U. Isikdag (Ed), Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 2014, XII, 175-194, [[http://www.springer.com/978-3-319-00514-0]]
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 Ghoula, N., Guyot, J., Falquet, G. (2014) Terminology Management Revisited. Translation and the Computer 36. London. [[http://www.mt-archive.info/10/Asling-2014-Ghoula.pdf|PDF]] Ghoula, N., Guyot, J., Falquet, G. (2014) Terminology Management Revisited. Translation and the Computer 36. London. [[http://www.mt-archive.info/10/Asling-2014-Ghoula.pdf|PDF]]
-==== 2013 ==== 
 Bouaziz, R., Bourque, P., Falquet, G. (Eds.) (2013) //Ontologies : Évolution et opérationalisation // Numéro spécial de la revue //Technique et science informatiques//, Hermès, Vol. 32, No. 7-8. Bouaziz, R., Bourque, P., Falquet, G. (Eds.) (2013) //Ontologies : Évolution et opérationalisation // Numéro spécial de la revue //Technique et science informatiques//, Hermès, Vol. 32, No. 7-8.
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 Moccozet, L., Tardy, C., Lakhdar, H., Lakhdar, A., Rentsch, R., Wirth, M. (2013) Musimage: using social multimedia to engage pupils in classical music appreciation. In proceeding of: Interactive Collaborative Learning 2013,  Kazan, Russia.  Moccozet, L., Tardy, C., Lakhdar, H., Lakhdar, A., Rentsch, R., Wirth, M. (2013) Musimage: using social multimedia to engage pupils in classical music appreciation. In proceeding of: Interactive Collaborative Learning 2013,  Kazan, Russia. 
-==== 2012 ==== 
 Métral C., Ghoula N., Falquet G. An ontology of 3D visualization techniques for enriched 3D city models. In Proceedings of 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models - Final conference of the European COST Action TU0801 Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable development, T. Leduc, G. Moreau and R. Billen (Eds.), EDP Sciences, 02005:1-15, 2012. http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:35837 Métral C., Ghoula N., Falquet G. An ontology of 3D visualization techniques for enriched 3D city models. In Proceedings of 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models - Final conference of the European COST Action TU0801 Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable development, T. Leduc, G. Moreau and R. Billen (Eds.), EDP Sciences, 02005:1-15, 2012. http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:35837
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 Workshop 3D issues in urban and environmental systems, 12-13 April 2012, Madrid, Spain {{:papers:cost_madrid_relations.pdf|PDF}}  Workshop 3D issues in urban and environmental systems, 12-13 April 2012, Madrid, Spain {{:papers:cost_madrid_relations.pdf|PDF}} 
 de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. New trends for reading scientific documents. InProceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Online books, complementary social media and crowdsourcing(BooksOnline '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19-24, 2011.  de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. New trends for reading scientific documents. InProceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Online books, complementary social media and crowdsourcing(BooksOnline '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19-24, 2011. 
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 Nogueras-Iso, J., Lacasta, J., Teller, J., Falquet, G., Guyot, J. Transformation of urban knowledge sources to ontologies. In Ontologies in Urban Development Projects G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, C. Tweed (Eds.). Springer, 2011. Nogueras-Iso, J., Lacasta, J., Teller, J., Falquet, G., Guyot, J. Transformation of urban knowledge sources to ontologies. In Ontologies in Urban Development Projects G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, C. Tweed (Eds.). Springer, 2011.
 Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2010). Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models. In FormaMente, International Research Journal on Digital Future, 1-2(V), 85-111 [[http://hdl.handle.net/2268/71476]] Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2010). Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models. In FormaMente, International Research Journal on Digital Future, 1-2(V), 85-111 [[http://hdl.handle.net/2268/71476]]
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 Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2010). Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models, ITcon, Vol.15, Special Issue: Bringing urban ontologies into practice, 169-184, http://www.itcon.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?2010_14 Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2010). Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models, ITcon, Vol.15, Special Issue: Bringing urban ontologies into practice, 169-184, http://www.itcon.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?2010_14
 Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2009). Ontology-Based Models for Im¬proving the Interoperability of 3D Urban Information. In Urban Ontologies for an improved com¬munication in urban development projects, J. Teller, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, R. Billen (Eds.), Les Editions de l’Université de Liège, Liège Métral C., Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Van Ruymbeke M. (2009). Ontology-Based Models for Im¬proving the Interoperability of 3D Urban Information. In Urban Ontologies for an improved com¬munication in urban development projects, J. Teller, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, R. Billen (Eds.), Les Editions de l’Université de Liège, Liège
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 Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Radhouani, S., Benzineb K. Analysis of Word Sense Disambiguation-Based  Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Radhouani, S., Benzineb K. Analysis of Word Sense Disambiguation-Based 
 Information Retrieval. In 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008, Revised Selected Papers. C. Peters, et al. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. ...., Springer [[http://cui.unige.ch/isi/reports/2008/CLEF2008-LNCS.pdf]] Information Retrieval. In 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008, Revised Selected Papers. C. Peters, et al. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. ...., Springer [[http://cui.unige.ch/isi/reports/2008/CLEF2008-LNCS.pdf]]
 Métral C., Falquet G. and Karatzas K. (2008) Ontologies for the Integration of Air Quality Models and 3D City Models. In Conceptual Models for Practitioners, J. Teller, C. Tweed, G. Rabino (Eds.), Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. [[http://cui.unige.ch/isi/reports/2008/AirQuality-and-3DCM.pdf]] Métral C., Falquet G. and Karatzas K. (2008) Ontologies for the Integration of Air Quality Models and 3D City Models. In Conceptual Models for Practitioners, J. Teller, C. Tweed, G. Rabino (Eds.), Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. [[http://cui.unige.ch/isi/reports/2008/AirQuality-and-3DCM.pdf]]
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 Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Radhouani, S., Benzineb K. Working notes of the UNIGE Experiments on Robust Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proc. CLEF 2008 Workshop, Aarhus, 2008. Guyot, J., Falquet, G., Radhouani, S., Benzineb K. Working notes of the UNIGE Experiments on Robust Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proc. CLEF 2008 Workshop, Aarhus, 2008.
 Grin, F. and Falquet, G. Free software, proprietary software and linguistic justice. Chapter in A. Strowel, A. Gosserie and A. Marciano (Eds.)''Intellectual Property Rights and Theories of Justice'', Palgrave, London Grin, F. and Falquet, G. Free software, proprietary software and linguistic justice. Chapter in A. Strowel, A. Gosserie and A. Marciano (Eds.)''Intellectual Property Rights and Theories of Justice'', Palgrave, London
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 Ontology Based Communications through Model Driven Tools: Feasibility of the MDA Approach in Urban Engineering Projects. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) 61, 181-196, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg Ontology Based Communications through Model Driven Tools: Feasibility of the MDA Approach in Urban Engineering Projects. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) 61, 181-196, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg
 Benslimane, D., Arara, A., Falquet, G., Maamar, Z., Thiran, P., Gargouri, F. Contextual Ontologies: Motivations, Challenges, and Solutions, in Proc. Advances in Information Systems Conf., Izmir, Oct. 2006. To appear in LNCS [[http://cui.unige.ch/isi/reports/ctxt-onto-2006.pdf [[Preliminary version]]]] Benslimane, D., Arara, A., Falquet, G., Maamar, Z., Thiran, P., Gargouri, F. Contextual Ontologies: Motivations, Challenges, and Solutions, in Proc. Advances in Information Systems Conf., Izmir, Oct. 2006. To appear in LNCS [[http://cui.unige.ch/isi/reports/ctxt-onto-2006.pdf [[Preliminary version]]]]
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 Radhouani, S., Lim, J.-H., Chevallet, J.-P. and Falquet, G., Combining Textual and Visual Ontologies to Solve Medical Multimodal Queries. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2006), Toronto, Canada, 9-12 July, 2006. Radhouani, S., Lim, J.-H., Chevallet, J.-P. and Falquet, G., Combining Textual and Visual Ontologies to Solve Medical Multimodal Queries. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2006), Toronto, Canada, 9-12 July, 2006.
 Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., G. Tissiani, Falquet, G., R. Pinto da Luz. Facilitating Communication between languages and Cultures: A computerized interface and Knowledge Base. Journal of Computing Research 2005, to appear. Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., G. Tissiani, Falquet, G., R. Pinto da Luz. Facilitating Communication between languages and Cultures: A computerized interface and Knowledge Base. Journal of Computing Research 2005, to appear.
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 Falquet, G. and Ziswiler, J.-C. Virtual Hyperbooks Model to Support Collaborative Learning. AACE International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) Volume 4, Issue 1, 2005. pp. 39-56. [[http://www.editlib.org/p/5807/|in the AACE Digital Library]] Falquet, G. and Ziswiler, J.-C. Virtual Hyperbooks Model to Support Collaborative Learning. AACE International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) Volume 4, Issue 1, 2005. pp. 39-56. [[http://www.editlib.org/p/5807/|in the AACE Digital Library]]
 Preliminary version published in Supplementary Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (aied2003), Sydney, Australia, July 2003. Preliminary version published in Supplementary Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (aied2003), Sydney, Australia, July 2003.
 Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Utilisation des ontologies dans les environnements d’écriture collaborative d’hyperlivres, expériences et perspectives.In Jacqueline Bourdeau, Michel Crampes (Éds.) Que signifie l'ontologie pour les EIAH ? Revue STICEF, Volume 11, 2004. pp. 333-350. [[online]] Falquet, G., Nerima, L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Utilisation des ontologies dans les environnements d’écriture collaborative d’hyperlivres, expériences et perspectives.In Jacqueline Bourdeau, Michel Crampes (Éds.) Que signifie l'ontologie pour les EIAH ? Revue STICEF, Volume 11, 2004. pp. 333-350. [[online]]
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 Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Intégration d'ontologies pour l'accès à une bibliothèque d'hyperlivres virtuels. In Proc. 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2004), Toulouse, France, Janvier 2004. [[PDF]] Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Ziswiler, J.-C. Intégration d'ontologies pour l'accès à une bibliothèque d'hyperlivres virtuels. In Proc. 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2004), Toulouse, France, Janvier 2004. [[PDF]]
 Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Tissiani, G., Falquet, G., Pinto da Luz, R. Facilitating Communication between Languages and Cultures: A Computerized Interface and Knowledge Base<. International Conference on the Convergence of Knowledge, Culture, Language and Information Technologies (CONVERGENCES ‘03), Alexandria, Egypt, December 2 - 6, 2003. [[PDF]] Mottaz Jiang, C.-L., Tissiani, G., Falquet, G., Pinto da Luz, R. Facilitating Communication between Languages and Cultures: A Computerized Interface and Knowledge Base<. International Conference on the Convergence of Knowledge, Culture, Language and Information Technologies (CONVERGENCES ‘03), Alexandria, Egypt, December 2 - 6, 2003. [[PDF]]
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 Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Hurni, J.-P. Modèles et interfaces d'hyperlivres pour l'apprentissage collaboratif. In Sciences et Techniques Éducatives, numéro spécial, Ressources numériques, XML et éducation, E. Bruillard et B. de la Passadière (Éd.), Paris, 2003. Falquet, G., Guyot, J., Hurni, J.-P. Modèles et interfaces d'hyperlivres pour l'apprentissage collaboratif. In Sciences et Techniques Éducatives, numéro spécial, Ressources numériques, XML et éducation, E. Bruillard et B. de la Passadière (Éd.), Paris, 2003.
 Falquet, G. and Mottaz, C.-L. A Model for the Collaborative Design of Multi-Point-of-View Terminological Knowledge Bases In R. Dieng and N. Matta (Eds) Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories, Kluwer, 2002. Falquet, G. and Mottaz, C.-L. A Model for the Collaborative Design of Multi-Point-of-View Terminological Knowledge Bases In R. Dieng and N. Matta (Eds) Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories, Kluwer, 2002.
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 Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Hypertext Interfaces for Chinese Character and Word Dictionaries. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing, vol. 12, 2002. [[Full paper (.doc)]] [[Preliminary version (.pdf)]] Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Hypertext Interfaces for Chinese Character and Word Dictionaries. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing, vol. 12, 2002. [[Full paper (.doc)]] [[Preliminary version (.pdf)]]
 Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Navigation hypertexte dans une ontologie multi-points de vue In Proc. NimesTIC-01 conf., Nîmes, France, December 2001.[[PDF]] Falquet, G., Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Navigation hypertexte dans une ontologie multi-points de vue In Proc. NimesTIC-01 conf., Nîmes, France, December 2001.[[PDF]]
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 Merat, N. Stockage de données multimédias et conception de présentation dynamiques avec SMIL et Lazy. Mémoire de licence en systèmes d'information (Bac. thesis), Université de Genève, 2001. [[PDF]] Merat, N. Stockage de données multimédias et conception de présentation dynamiques avec SMIL et Lazy. Mémoire de licence en systèmes d'information (Bac. thesis), Université de Genève, 2001. [[PDF]]
 Falquet, G. and Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Conflict Resolution in the Collaborative Design of Terminological Knowledge Bases In proc. EKAW 2000 (International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, March 2000. [[Abstract]] [[PDF]] Falquet, G. and Mottaz Jiang, C.-L. Conflict Resolution in the Collaborative Design of Terminological Knowledge Bases In proc. EKAW 2000 (International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, March 2000. [[Abstract]] [[PDF]]
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