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-Email : anne-francoise.cutting-decelle@unige.ch  +**Email1** : afcdec@gmail.com  : **to be used preferably !!**\\   
 +**Email2** : anne-francoise.cutting-decelle@unige.ch\\ 
 +**Phone** : + 33 6 07 91 01 41
-Phone + 33 6 07 91 01 41+**ORCID ID 0000-0001-6294-1162**  \\ 
-**ORCID ID : 0000-0001-6294-1162**  --  (http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6294-1162) +----
-**Publons -- https://publons.com/researcher/2936149/anne-francoise-cutting-decelle**+** Formation :**\\ 
 +Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Agrégation de Génie Civil\\ 
 +Doctorat, HDR (section CNU 61) (Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry)\\
-**2007-2018** :  
-Ecole Centrale de Lille, 
-Cité Scientifique, CS 20048, 59651 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX, France 
 +**2000-2018** : 
 +Professeur des Universités\\
 +- IUT d'Evry Val d'Essonne, Département QLIO, 91000 Evry\\
 +- Ecole Centrale de Lille,
 +Cité Scientifique, CS 20048, 59651 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX, F\\
 +**2018- ** :
 +Université de Genève/CUI,
 +Site de Battelle, 7, Route de Drize, CH-1227 CAROUGE, CH
 +**Guest Editor : \\
 +MDPI Information Special Issue : Knowledge Engineering for International Standardization** 
 +This Special Issue is designed to investigate the extent to which knowledge representation techniques can be applied to international standardization, both from a theoretical and practical point of view and to analyze the benefits that can be expected from their use: are smart standards still a dream or can they become reality?\\
-===== Research activities ===== +---- 
-My research activities focus on the adaptation of Knowledge Engineering techniques to improve the interoperability of the I +----
-nternational Standards used to manage information exchanges in industry. This is facilitated by representations based on on +
-tologies. +
-I have worked and continue to work as an expert for various standardisation bodies – at the International level (ISO) ; at t +
-he European level (CEN/CENELEC) ; at the French level (AFNOR). Specifically in the domain of industrial data my contributio +
-n has been focused on the development of new standards as well as the management and follow-up of existing standards. All t +
-hose standards need of course to be both consistent and interoperable between each of them and developed in accordance with +
- the rules provided by the Standardisation Bodies.+
-An important facet of my research work has therefore been directed towards the development of international standards built 
- on : 
-– requirements stemming from both industrial needs and Knowledge Engineering-based approaches,+**Guest Editor : \\ 
 +JIEMM : Journal of Innovation Economics & ManagementSpecial issue : **\\ 
 +**Title of the Special ISSUE : Standards as a Means of Strengthening Innovative Business**\\ 
-- use of information extraction and semantic annotation techniques based on ontologies. 
-The experience I have gained as an expert and a convenor in the various standardisation committees has enabled me to both u 
-nderstand and highlight the problems related to the specificity (and the complexity) of the whole standardisation process.  
-This has given me an insight into the extent to which KE-based approaches could be applied particularly to standards drafti 
-ng as such. 
-In practical terms this could be achieved notably through the development of ontologies corresponding to the competency dom 
-ains of the technical standards considered. To be effective, this would need the use of alignment techniques of the differe 
-nt ontologies : 
-domain ontologies,+===== Research activities ===== 
 +My research activities focus on adapting knowledge engineering techniques to improve the interoperability of international standards used to manage information exchanges in industry. This is facilitated by ontology-based representations.
-- specific ontologies.+I work as an expert for various standards bodies, at international level (ISO, IEC), at European level (CEN, CENELEC) and at French level (AFNOR). In the field of industrial data (as an expert for the ISO TC184 / SC4 committee), my contribution has focused on the development of new standards in the field of production management as well as the management and monitoring of existing standards. All these standards must be both consistent and interoperable with each other and developed in accordance with the rules provided by the Standards Bodies (Directives)
-Other applications of my research fieldin relation to ontology engineering include :+An important aspect of my research work is the development of international standards based on :\\ 
 +- requirements arising from industry needsexpressed and formulated using approaches based on knowledge engineering, automatic representation and integration of these requirements into standardisation documents,\\ 
 +- the use of information extraction and semantic annotation techniques based on ontologies,\\ 
 +- the application of methods based on natural language processing techniques to encourage the development of standards that can be read and used directly by machines (SMART standards). 
-- smart grids,+The experience I have gained as an expert and convenor of various standardisation committees has enabled me to understand and highlight the problems associated with the specific nature (and complexity) of the whole standardisation process. This has enabled me to study the extent to which approaches based on knowledge engineering can be used in the drafting of standardsin particular the development of ontologies corresponding to the knowledge domains of the technical standards to be taken into account, but also the consideration of interoperability issues. As ontologies can differ in scope, point of view and granularity, it is often necessary to use alignment techniques to enable the different models to be synthesised. 
-- reference architectures,+The concept of digital twin is an important part of my research workparticularly through the modelling and representation of the information exchanges that it enables between the players involved throughout the various stages of industrial processes. Standardisation plays a very important role here, as the interoperability of these exchanges will be facilitated by the use of standardised languages and approaches.
-- reference models, +Other applications in my research area include :\\ 
- +smart grids,\\ 
-- semantic integration, +- reference architectures and reference models,\\ 
- +- semantic integration,\\ 
-- semantic frameworks and their application to the representation of information and knowledge related to standardisation +- semantic interoperability,\\ 
-nd standards (standards roadmaps).+- semantic frameworks and their application to the representation of information and knowledge linked to standardisation and norms (standards roadmaps),\\ 
 +- digital twins.\\
Line 74: Line 91:
 ===== Scientific expertise =====  ===== Scientific expertise ===== 
-- Member : TITAN (http://www.titan.be/en/asbl-about.html)+- Member : ADELI (https://espaces-numeriques.org/)\\ 
 +- Member : APK (https://asso-apk.org/page/)\\ 
 +- Member : CODATA France (http://www.codata-france.org/)\\  
 +- Member : EURAS (http://www.euras.org)\\ 
 +Member : EuroCRIS (http://www.eurocris.org)\\  
 +- Member : IAOA (https://iaoa.org/)\\ 
 +- Member : TITAN (http://www.titan.be/)\\ 
-- Member : EURAS (http://www.euras.org) 
-- Member : CODATA France (http://www.codata-france.org/ 
-- Member : ADELI, France (http://www.adeli.org)  
-- Member : EuroCRIS (http://www.eurocris.org)  
-- Member : APK (http://www.apkweb.org/) 
-- Member : ADELI (https://espaces-numeriques.org/) 
Line 102: Line 120:
 ===== International standardization expertise =====  ===== International standardization expertise ===== 
-Convenor ISO TC 184/SC4-SC5 JWG8 (Manufacturing Management data) : https://www.iso.org/committee/54158.html+*** National level (France) :**\\ 
 +AFNOR CP IDMI (Ingénierie des données et des modèles pour l'industrie) standardization committee :[[ https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnorcp-idmi/ingenierie-des-donnees-et-des-modeles-pour-lindustrie/3310]]\\ 
 +AFNOR CN INFOGEO (Informations géographiques - systèmes géodésiquesstandardization committee [[https:// norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnorcn-info-geo/informations-geographiques-systemes-geodesiques/69126]]\\ 
 +- AFNOR UF ASGIEE (Approche Systèmes de la Gestion Intelligente de l'Energie Electrique) standardization committee : [[https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnoruf-asgiee/approche-systemes-de-la-gestion-intelligente-de-lenergie-electrique/117772]]\\ 
 +- AFNOR UF 65 (Mesure et commande dans le processus industriel) : [[https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnoruf-65/mesure-et-commande-dans-le-processus-industriel/2766#presentation  
-- Expert and member : ISO TC 184/SC4 International Technical Committee (industrial data) : https://www.iso.org/committee/54 
-- Expert and member ISO TC 184 / SC5 WG10 (Evaluation of energy efficiency and other relevant factors of a manufacturing  +*** European level (CEN) :**\\ 
-system with respect to its environmental influencehttps://www.iso.org/committee/54192.html+- CEN TC 310 (Advanced automation technologies and their applicationsEuropean technical committee [[https://standards.cencenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=205:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:6291&cs=1CFCF7BD7724745E1244888BF6EA45B75]]\\ 
-- Expert and member : ISO/IEC Smart Manufacturing Standards Map Task Force 
-Member : IEC SyC Smart Energy (JWG3, WG5 and WG6) : http://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:22535867312408::::FSP_ORG_ID,FS +*** International level (ISO, IEC, ISO-IEC-ITU-UN) :**\\ 
-P_LANG_ID:11825,25+- ISO TC 184/SC4 International Technical Committee (industrial data) : [[https://www.iso.org/committee/54158.html]]\\  
 +- ISO/IEC Smart Manufacturing Standards Map Task Force\\ 
 +- IEC SyC Smart Manufacturing OF1 : [[https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:22328]]\\  
 +IEC SyC Smart Energy (JWG3, WG5 and WG6) : [[http://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:22535867312408::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:11825,25]]\\  
 +- IEC TC 65 / ISO TC 184 JWG21 : [[https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:14:13855309185134::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:19942,25]]\\  
 +- IEC TC 65 / ISO TC 184 JWG14 : [[https://www.iec.ch/ords/f?p=103:14:6364472188369::::FSP_ORG_ID:6428]]\\
-Member : IEC SyC Smart Manufacturing OF1 : https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:22328+ISO-IEC-ITU-UN/ECE MoU/MG (Memorandum of Understanding Management Group) [[https://www.iso.org/fr/committee/4887487.html]]\\ 
-Expert and member : CEN TC 310 (Advanced automation technologies and their applications) European technical committee  +----
-- Member : ISO-IEC-ITU-UN/ECE MoU/MG (Memorandum of Understanding Management Group)  
-- Expert and member : AFNOR CP IDMI (Ingénierie des données et des modèles pour l'industrie) standardization committee : https 
-- Expert and member : AFNOR CN INFOGEO (Informations géographiques - systèmes géodésiques) standardization committee : https:// 
-- Expert and member : AFNOR UF ASGIEE (Approche Systèmes de la Gestion Intelligente de l'Energie Electrique) standardization 
- committee : https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnoruf-asgiee/approche-systemes-de-la-gestion-intelligente-de-lenergie-e 
 - Guest speaker : MANUFUTURE 2015  - Guest speaker : MANUFUTURE 2015 
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 == FoF FLEXINET - 2013 - 2016 == == FoF FLEXINET - 2013 - 2016 ==
-FLEXINET is a European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) project funded under grant agreement no +FLEXINET is a European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) project funded under grant agreement no  608627, which started on 1 July 2013 and runs until the end of June 2016. The project is investigating the feasibility of providing software services to support decision makers in configuration and especially rapid reconfiguration of Global Production Networks.  
- 608627, which started on 1 July 2013 and runs until the end of June 2016. The project is investigating the feasibility of  +
-providing software services to support decision makers in configuration and especially rapid reconfiguration of Global Prod +
-uction Networks.  +
-http://www.flexinet-fof.eu/pages/flexhome.html + 
Line 154: Line 165:
 **Some recent publications** **Some recent publications**
 +- Streamlining Tax and Administrative Document Management with AI-Powered Intelligent Document Management System\\
 +G Di Marzo Serugendo, MA Cappelli, G Falquet, C Métral, A Wade, S Ghadfi, AF Cutting-Decelle, A Caselli, G Cutting\\
 +Information 2024, 15, 461\\
 +- Addmin: Private computing for consumers’ online documents access: Scientific technical report\\
 +Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Gilles Falquet, Claudine Metral, Maria Assunta Cappelli, Assane Wade, Sami Ghadfi, Anne-Françoise Cutting-Decelle, Ashley Caselli, and Graham Cutting, Aug 2022\\
 +- Digital Twins : From conceptual views to industrial applications in the electrical domain\\
 +G. Di Marzo Serugendo, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, L. Guise, T. Cormenier, I. Khan, L. Hossenlopp, IEEE Computer\\
 +- Towards a digital service to help the elaboration, implementation and follow-up of study regulations at the University of Geneva - a hands-on experiment\\
 +G. Di Marzo Serugendo, L. Friha, P.-Y. Burgi, J. Dobeli, A. Wade, M. Assunta Cappelli, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, M. Vonlanthen, N. Durand and A. Hugentobler\\
 +IESS 2022, International Conference on Exploring Service Science, Feb 2022, Geneva
 +- Intelligent Document Processing--Methods and Tools in the real world\\
 +G.A. Cutting, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.14070, Dec 2021\\
 +- Automatic extraction of requirements expressed in industrial standards: a way towards machine readable standards ?\\
 +H. de Ribaupierre, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, N. Baumier, S. Blumental, arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.13091, Dec 2021\\
 +- A semantic-based approach to analyze the link between security and safety for Internet of Vehicle (IoV)
 +and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)\\
 +M. Assunta, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, M. Strohmeier, CARS 2021 6th International Workshop on Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness & Safety, Sep 2021, Münich, Germany. ￿hal-03366378
 +- How to overcome difficulties met in deploying digital twins of electrical assets over their whole life cycle? A data management perspective\\
 +L. Guise, L. Hossenlopp, T. Cormenier, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, I. Khan, CIRED 2021 Conference
 +- A standardized knowledge model for high-voltage equipment catalogue data contributes to simplify the life of end users and manufacturers\\
 +L. Guise, T. Cormenier, S. Blumental, N. Baumier, A. Dehouck, E. Lambert, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, J.-L. Rayon, P. Tailhades, M. Zouiti, CIRED 2021 Conference
 +- Projet RTE DIGIREQ : Extraction automatique d'exigences normatives formulées en langage naturel, application à la norme IEC 60376 -- Rapport du Lot 1\\
 +A.F. Cutting-Decelle, H. de Ribaupierre, décembre 2020
 +- Projet RTE DIGIREQ : Extraction automatique d'exigences normatives formulées en langage naturel, application à la norme IEC 60376 -- Rapport du Lot 2\\
 +H. de Ribaupierre, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, décembre 2020
 +- Projet RTE DIGIREQ : Extraction automatique d'exigences normatives formulées en langage naturel, application à la norme IEC 60376 -- Rapport du Lot 3\\
 +A.F. Cutting-Decelle, H. de Ribaupierre, janvier 2021
-- Agency or structure in institutional work ; a case of standard drafting in an international standardization body +- Agency or structure in institutional work ; a case of standard drafting in an international standardization body\\
 Mione A., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Barraud J.L., XXVIIIe conférence de l’AIMS, Dakar, 2019  Mione A., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Barraud J.L., XXVIIIe conférence de l’AIMS, Dakar, 2019 
-- Extraction of technical information from normative documents using automated methods based on ontologies : application to +- Extraction of technical information from normative documents using automated methods based on ontologies : application to the ISO 15531 MANDATE standard – Methodology and first results\\ 
- the ISO 15531 MANDATE standard – Methodology and first results +A.F. Cutting-Decelle, J.L. Barraud, G.I. Magnan, A. Digeon, R.I. Young, P. Lamboley, 2018, ArXiv e-prints, 2018-06 | journal-article -- ARXIV: 1806.02242\\ 
-A.F. Cutting-Decelle, J.L. Barraud, G.I. Magnan, A. Digeon, R.I. Young, P. Lamboley, 2018, ArXiv e-prints, 2018-06 | journa +[[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325616594_Extraction_Of_Technical_Information_From_Normative_Documents_Using_Automated_Methods_Based_On_Ontologies_Application_To_The_Iso_15531_Mandate_Standard_-_Methodology_And_First_Results]]
-l-article -- ARXIV: 1806.02242+
-- Innovation and standard development : healthy cooperation or speed race ? Consequences on the standardization approach  +- Innovation and standard development : healthy cooperation or speed race ? Consequences on the standardization approach\\  
-Mione A., Barraud, J.L., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Research network on innovation (RRI) Congress, Innovation forum VIII, Nîmes,  +Mione A., Barraud, J.L., Cutting-Decelle A.F., Research network on innovation (RRI) Congress, Innovation forum VIII, Nîmes, 2018 
-2018 +
-- Institutional work within SDO : The project leaders’ actions for RFID standardization  +- Institutional work within SDO : The project leaders’ actions for RFID standardization\\ 
-Mione A., Cutting-Decelle, A.F., Barraud, J.L., EURAS Annual Standardization Conference “Co-opetition and open innovation”, +Mione A., Cutting-Decelle, A.F., Barraud, J.L., EURAS Annual Standardization Conference “Co-opetition and open innovation”, in Proceedings, K Jakobs, A Mione, AF Cutting-Decelle, S Mignon Eds, 2016 
-Proceedings, K Jakobs, A Mione, AF Cutting-Decelle, S Mignon Eds, 2016 +
-- Standard semantic models to support the configuration of global production networks+- Standard semantic models to support the configuration of global production networks\\
 Palmer, C., Cid, U. F. S., Cutting-Decelle, A. F., Urwin, E. N., Pinazo-Sánchez, U. J. M., Young, R., ... & Palmer, C., Cid, U. F. S., Cutting-Decelle, A. F., Urwin, E. N., Pinazo-Sánchez, U. J. M., Young, R., ... &
-Pajkovska-Goceva, S., In: M. Zelm (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Enterprise +Pajkovska-Goceva, S., In: M. Zelm (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability, Nîmes, France, 27-05-2015, published at http://ceur-ws.org, CEUR Vol-1414, 2015
-Interoperability, Nîmes, France, 27-05-2015, published at http://ceur-ws.org, CEUR Vol-1414, 2015+
-- FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) FLEXINET Project 608627, Standardisation Plan, Deliverable D8.4A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, R.I. YO +- FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) FLEXINET Project 608627, Standardisation Plan, Deliverable D8.4\\  
-UNG, 2014 (public)+A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, R.I. YOUNG, 2014 (public)
-- FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) FLEXINET Project 608627, Standardisation Report, Deliverable D8.9A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, R.I.  +- FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) FLEXINET Project 608627, Standardisation Report, Deliverable D8.9\\  
-YOUNG, 2016 (public)+A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, R.I. YOUNG, 2016 (public)
-- 3D City Models and urban information: current issues and perspectives  +- 3D City Models and urban information: current issues and perspectives\\ 
-R. Billen, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, O. Marina, J.P. de Almeida, M. Caglioni, G. Falquet, T. Leduc, C. Métral et al., EDPscience +R. Billen, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, O. Marina, J.P. de Almeida, M. Caglioni, G. Falquet, T. Leduc, C. Métral et al., EDPsciences, DOI : 10.1051/TU0801/201400001, 2014
-s, DOI : 10.1051/TU0801/201400001, 2014+
--  A Common Vocabulary to Express Standardization Features  +-  A Common Vocabulary to Express Standardization Features\\ 
-A.F. Cutting-Decelle, G. I. Magnan, C. Mouton, and R. I. M. Young, in Enterprise Interoperability: Interoperability for Agi +A.F. Cutting-Decelle, G. I. Magnan, C. Mouton, and R. I. M. Young, in Enterprise Interoperability: Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations (I-ESA 14 Proceedings) (2015): 301, ISTE, Wiley, ISBN 978 1 84821 799 7
-lity, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations (I-ESA 14 Proceedings) (2015): 301, ISTE, Wiley, ISBN 978 1 84821 799 7+
-- Challenges of semantic 3D city models : a contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801 +- Challenges of semantic 3D city models : a contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801\\ 
-R. Billen, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, C. Métral, G. Falquet, S. Zlatanova and O. Marina, International Journal of 3-D Information +R. Billen, A.F. Cutting-Decelle, C. Métral, G. Falquet, S. Zlatanova and O. Marina, International Journal of 3-D Information  Modeling (IJ3DIM), IGI Global, accepted, on-going (2015)
- Modeling (IJ3DIM), IGI Global, accepted, on-going (2015)+
-- Reference ontologies for global production networks +- Reference ontologies for global production networks\\ 
-14 Conference, Rome, 133-139, Oct 2014+
-- Standardised semantic models to support the configuration of global production networks +- Standardised semantic models to support the configuration of global production networks\\ 
-C. PALMER, E. N. URWIN, E. P. RODRIGUEZ, F. S. CID, J. M. PINAZO-SANCHEZ, S. P. GOCEVA, A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE and B. YOUNG,  +C. PALMER, E. N. URWIN, E. P. RODRIGUEZ, F. S. CID, J. M. PINAZO-SANCHEZ, S. P. GOCEVA, A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE and B. YOUNG, 6th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability, IWEI,  2015
-6th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability, IWEI,  2015+
-- Reference ontologies for manufacturing +- Reference ontologies for manufacturing\\ 
-R YOUNG, N. HASTILOW, M. IMRAN, N CHUNGOORA, Z USMAN, A-F CUTTING-DECELLE, IWEI 2013 – The international IFIP working confer +R YOUNG, N. HASTILOW, M. IMRAN, N CHUNGOORA, Z USMAN, A-F CUTTING-DECELLE, IWEI 2013 – The international IFIP working conference on enterprise interoperability, information, services and processes for the interoperable economy and society, workshop on standardisation for interoperability in the service-oriented enterprise,ENSCHEDE, March 2013 
-ence on enterprise interoperability, information, services and processes for the interoperable economy and society, worksho +
-on standardisation for interoperability in the service-oriented enterprise,ENSCHEDE, March 2013 +
-- Towards the ontology-based consolidation of production-centric standards +- Towards the ontology-based consolidation of production-centric standards\\  
-N CHUNGOORA, A-F CUTTING-DECELLE, R YOUNG, G. GUNENDRAN, Z USMAN, J HARDING, K CASE, International Journal of Production Re +N CHUNGOORA, A-F CUTTING-DECELLE, R YOUNG, G. GUNENDRAN, Z USMAN, J HARDING, K CASE, International Journal of Production Research, 2013, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2011.627885
-search, 2013, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2011.627885+
-- A model-driven ontology approach for manufacturing system interoperability and knowledge sharing +- A model-driven ontology approach for manufacturing system interoperability and knowledge sharing\\ 
-N. CHUNGOORA, G.A. GUNENDRAN, R. YOUNG, G. GUNENDRAN, C. PALMER, Z. USMAN, N.A. ANJUM, A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, J.A. HARDING,  +N. CHUNGOORA, G.A. GUNENDRAN, R. YOUNG, G. GUNENDRAN, C. PALMER, Z. USMAN, N.A. ANJUM, A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, J.A. HARDING, K. CASE, Computers in Industry, Elsevier, Volume 64, Issue 8, March 2013, Pages 392-401, ISSN 0166-3615, doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2013.01.003
-K. CASE, Computers in Industry, Elsevier, Volume 64, Issue 8, March 2013, Pages 392-401, ISSN 0166-3615, doi: 10.1016/j.com +
-- Extending product lifecycle management for manufacturing knowledge sharing +- Extending product lifecycle management for manufacturing knowledge sharing\\  
-N. CHUNGOORA, G.A. GUNENDRAN, R. YOUNG, Z. USMAN, N.A. ANJUM, C. PALMER, J.A. HARDING, K. CASE AND A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, Pr +N. CHUNGOORA, G.A. GUNENDRAN, R. YOUNG, Z. USMAN, N.A. ANJUM, C. PALMER, J.A. HARDING, K. CASE AND A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 0954405412461741, first published on October 16, 2012, doi:10.1177/0954405412461741
-oceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 0954405412461741, first pu +
-blished on October 16, 2012, doi:10.1177/0954405412461741+
-- Production information interoperability over the Internet : a standardised data acquisition tool developed for industrial +- Production information interoperability over the Internet : a standardised data acquisition tool developed for industrial enterprises\\ 
- enterprises +A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, J.L. BARRAUD, R.I.M. YOUNG, B. VEENENDAAL, Computers in Industry, Volume 63, Issue 8, October 2012, Pages 824-834, ISSN 0166-3615, doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2012.08.010
-A.F. CUTTING-DECELLE, J.L. BARRAUD, R.I.M. YOUNG, B. VEENENDAAL, Computers in Industry, Volume 63, Issue 8, October 2012, +
-ages 824-834, ISSN 0166-3615, doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2012.08.010+