Key words of SQL2


a -> hexit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
absolute -> fetch_orientation
            -> reserved_word
action -> ref_action
            -> reserved_word
ada -> non_reserved_word
add -> add_column_def
            -> add_domain_constraint_def
            -> add_table_constraint_def
            -> reserved_word
all -> all
            -> constraint_name_list
            -> disconnect_object
            -> non_join_query_exp
            -> non_join_query_term
            -> privileges
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_quantifier
allocate -> allocate_cursor_stmt
            -> allocate_descriptor_stmt
            -> reserved_word
alter -> alter_column_def
            -> alter_domain_stmt
            -> alter_table_stmt
            -> reserved_word
ampersand -> ampersand
and -> between_predicate
            -> boolean_term
            -> reserved_word
any -> reserved_word
            -> some
are -> embdd_char_set_decl
            -> reserved_word
array -> pascal_type_spec
as -> as_clause
            -> cast_spec
            -> char_set_def
            -> connection_target
            -> domain_def
            -> reserved_word
            -> table_ref
            -> view_def
asc -> ordering_spec
            -> reserved_word
assertion -> assertion_def
            -> drop_assertion_stmt
            -> reserved_word
at -> reserved_word
            -> time_zone
authorization -> reserved_word
            -> schema_name_clause
            -> set_session_author_id_stmt
auto -> c_storage_class
avg -> reserved_word
            -> set_fct_type


b -> bit_string_lit
            -> cobol_bit_type
            -> hexit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
begin -> embdd_sql_begin_declare
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_declare
            -> reserved_word
between -> between_predicate
            -> reserved_word
bin -> pl1_type_fixed_binary
            -> pl1_type_float_binary
binary -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> pl1_type_fixed_binary
            -> pl1_type_float_binary
bit -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
            -> bit_string_type
            -> c_bit_variable
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> pl1_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
bit_length -> bit_length_exp
            -> reserved_word
both -> reserved_word
            -> trim_spec
by -> corresponding_spec
            -> group_by_clause
            -> order_by_clause
            -> reserved_word


c -> hexit
            -> non_reserved_word
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
cascade -> drop_behavior
            -> ref_action
            -> reserved_word
cascaded -> levels_clause
            -> reserved_word
case -> reserved_word
            -> searched_case
            -> simple_case
cast -> cast_spec
            -> reserved_word
catalog -> reserved_word
            -> set_catalog_stmt
catalog_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
char -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
            -> char_string_type
            -> c_char_variable
            -> national_char_string_type
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> pl1_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
            -> space
character -> ada_qualified_type_spec
            -> char_set_def
            -> char_string_type
            -> cobol_char_type
            -> c_char_variable
            -> c_varchar_variable
            -> data_type
            -> drop_char_set_stmt
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> national_char_string_type
            -> object_name
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> pl1_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
            -> schema_char_set_spec
character_length -> char_length_exp
            -> reserved_word
character_set_catalog -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
character_set_name -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
character_set_schema -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
char_length -> char_length_exp
            -> reserved_word
check -> assertion_check
            -> check_constraint_def
            -> reserved_word
            -> view_def
class_origin -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
close -> close_stmt
            -> dyn_close_stmt
            -> reserved_word
coalesce -> case_abbreviation
            -> reserved_word
cobol -> non_reserved_word
collate -> collate_clause
            -> reserved_word
collation -> collation_def
            -> drop_collation_stmt
            -> limited_collation_def
            -> object_name
            -> reserved_word
            -> translation_collation
collation_catalog -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
collation_name -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
collation_schema -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
column -> add_column_def
            -> alter_column_def
            -> drop_column_def
            -> reserved_word
column_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
command_function -> non_reserved_word
            -> stmt_info_item_name
commit -> commit_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
committed -> level_of_isolation
            -> non_reserved_word
comp -> cobol_computational_int
computational -> cobol_computational_int
condition_number -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
connect -> connect_stmt
            -> reserved_word
connection -> reserved_word
            -> set_connection_stmt
connection_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
const -> c_class_modifier
constraint -> constraint_name_def
            -> drop_domain_constraint_def
            -> drop_table_constraint_def
            -> reserved_word
constraints -> reserved_word
            -> set_constraints_mode_stmt
constraint_catalog -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
constraint_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
constraint_schema -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
continue -> condition_action
            -> reserved_word
convert -> form_conversion
            -> reserved_word
correspondence -> connection_target
corresponding -> corresponding_spec
            -> reserved_word
count -> get_count
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_count
            -> set_fct_spec
            -> set_fct_type
create -> assertion_def
            -> char_set_def
            -> collation_def
            -> domain_def
            -> reserved_word
            -> schema_def
            -> table_def
            -> translation_def
            -> view_def
cross -> cross_join
            -> reserved_word
current -> delete_stmt_pos
            -> disconnect_object
            -> dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> reserved_word
            -> update_stmt_pos
current_date -> current_date_value_fct
            -> reserved_word
current_time -> current_time_value_fct
            -> reserved_word
current_timestamp -> currenttimestamp_value_fct
            -> reserved_word
current_user -> default_option
            -> general_value_spec
            -> reserved_word
cursor -> allocate_cursor_stmt
            -> declare_cursor
            -> dyn_declare_cursor
            -> reserved_word
cursor_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word


d -> hexit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
data -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
date -> datetime_type
            -> date_lit
            -> reserved_word
datetime_interval_code -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
datetime_interval_precision -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
day -> non_second_datetime_field
            -> reserved_word
dcl -> pl1_variable_def
deallocate -> deallocate_descriptor_stmt
            -> deallocate_prepared_stmt
            -> reserved_word
dec -> exact_num_type
            -> mumps_type_spec
            -> pl1_type_fixed_decimal
            -> reserved_word
decimal -> exact_num_type
            -> pl1_type_fixed_decimal
            -> reserved_word
declare -> declare_cursor
            -> dyn_declare_cursor
            -> embdd_sql_begin_declare
            -> embdd_sql_end_declare
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_declare
            -> pl1_variable_def
            -> reserved_word
            -> temporary_table_decl
default -> collating_sequence_def
            -> connection_object
            -> connection_target
            -> default_clause
            -> default_spec
            -> drop_column_default_clause
            -> drop_domain_default_clause
            -> insert_columns_and_source
            -> ref_action
            -> reserved_word
            -> schema_char_set_spec
            -> update_source
deferrable -> constraint_attributes
            -> reserved_word
deferred -> constraint_check_time
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_constraints_mode_stmt
delete -> action
            -> delete_rule
            -> delete_stmt_pos
            -> delete_stmt_searched
            -> dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> reserved_word
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
desc -> collating_sequence_def
            -> ordering_spec
            -> reserved_word
describe -> describe_input_stmt
            -> describe_output_stmt
            -> reserved_word
descriptor -> allocate_descriptor_stmt
            -> deallocate_descriptor_stmt
            -> get_descriptor_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_descriptor_stmt
            -> using_descriptor
diagnostics -> diag_size
            -> get_diag_stmt
            -> reserved_word
disconnect -> disconnect_stmt
            -> reserved_word
display -> cobol_num_type
distinct -> reserved_word
            -> set_quantifier
domain -> alter_domain_stmt
            -> domain_def
            -> drop_domain_stmt
            -> object_name
            -> reserved_word
double -> approximate_num_type
            -> c_num_variable
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
double_precision -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
drop -> drop_assertion_stmt
            -> drop_char_set_stmt
            -> drop_collation_stmt
            -> drop_column_def
            -> drop_column_default_clause
            -> drop_domain_constraint_def
            -> drop_domain_default_clause
            -> drop_domain_stmt
            -> drop_schema_stmt
            -> drop_table_constraint_def
            -> drop_table_stmt
            -> drop_translation_stmt
            -> drop_view_stmt
            -> reserved_word
dynamic_function -> non_reserved_word
            -> stmt_info_item_name


e -> approximate_num_lit
            -> hexit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
edition1987 -> e1987
edition1989 -> e1989_base
edition1992 -> e1992
else -> else_clause
            -> reserved_word
end-exec -> reserved_word
            -> sql_terminator
end -> embdd_sql_end_declare
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_declare
            -> reserved_word
            -> searched_case
            -> simple_case
end_of_line -> newline
escape -> like_predicate
            -> reserved_word
even -> unique_constraint_def
except -> non_join_query_exp
            -> reserved_word
exception -> condition_information
            -> reserved_word
exec -> reserved_word
            -> sql_prefix
execute -> execute_immediate_stmt
            -> execute_stmt
            -> reserved_word
exists -> exists_predicate
            -> reserved_word
extern -> c_storage_class
external -> external_collation
            -> external_translation
            -> reserved_word
extract -> extract_exp
            -> reserved_word


f -> hexit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
false -> reserved_word
            -> truth_value
fetch -> dyn_fetch_stmt
            -> fetch_stmt
            -> reserved_word
first -> fetch_orientation
            -> reserved_word
fixed -> pl1_type_fixed_binary
            -> pl1_type_fixed_decimal
float -> approximate_num_type
            -> c_num_variable
            -> pl1_type_float_binary
            -> reserved_word
for -> allocate_cursor_stmt
            -> bit_substring_fct
            -> char_substring_fct
            -> collation_def
            -> declare_cursor
            -> dyn_declare_cursor
            -> reserved_word
            -> revoke_stmt
            -> translation_def
            -> updatability_clause
foreign -> ref_constraint_def
            -> reserved_word
fortran -> non_reserved_word
found -> condition
            -> reserved_word
from -> bit_substring_fct
            -> char_substring_fct
            -> collation_def
            -> delete_stmt_pos
            -> delete_stmt_searched
            -> dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> dyn_fetch_stmt
            -> extract_exp
            -> fetch_stmt
            -> from_clause
            -> limited_collation_def
            -> prepare_stmt
            -> prep_dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> reserved_word
            -> revoke_stmt
            -> translation_def
            -> trim_operands
full -> match_predicate
            -> match_type
            -> outer_join_type
            -> reserved_word


g -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
get -> char_set_source
            -> get_descriptor_stmt
            -> get_diag_stmt
            -> reserved_word
global -> reserved_word
            -> scope_option
            -> table_def
go -> go_to
            -> reserved_word
gordon) -> connection_target
goto -> go_to
            -> reserved_word
grant -> grant_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> revoke_stmt
group -> group_by_clause
            -> reserved_word


h -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
having -> having_clause
            -> reserved_word
high -> high
hour -> non_second_datetime_field
            -> reserved_word


i -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
identity -> reserved_word
            -> translation_spec
immediate -> constraint_check_time
            -> execute_immediate_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_constraints_mode_stmt
in -> in_predicate
            -> position_exp
            -> reserved_word
            -> space
            -> unique_constraint_def
indicator) -> newline
indicator -> descriptor_item_name
            -> indicator_parameter
            -> indicator_variable
            -> reserved_word
indicator_type -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
initially -> constraint_check_time
            -> reserved_word
inner -> join_type
            -> reserved_word
input -> describe_input_stmt
            -> reserved_word
insensitive -> allocate_cursor_stmt
            -> declare_cursor
            -> dyn_declare_cursor
            -> reserved_word
insert -> action
            -> insert_stmt
            -> reserved_word
int -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
            -> exact_num_type
            -> mumps_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
integer -> exact_num_type
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
integrityno -> integrity_no
integrityyes -> integrity_yes
intermediate -> intermediate
intersect -> non_join_query_term
            -> reserved_word
interval -> interval_lit
            -> interval_type
            -> reserved_word
into -> fetch_stmt
            -> insert_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> select_stmt_single_row
            -> using_arguments
            -> using_descriptor
is -> ada_qualified_type_spec
            -> boolean_test
            -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> cobol_bit_type
            -> cobol_char_type
            -> cobol_computational_int
            -> cobol_num_type
            -> c_char_variable
            -> c_varchar_variable
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> null_predicate
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> pl1_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
iso -> arc1
isolation -> isolation_level
            -> reserved_word


j -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
join -> cross_join
            -> qualified_join
            -> reserved_word


k -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
key -> ref_constraint_def
            -> reserved_word
            -> unique_spec


l -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
language -> reserved_word
last -> fetch_orientation
            -> reserved_word
leading -> cobol_num_type
            -> reserved_word
            -> trim_spec
left -> outer_join_type
            -> reserved_word
length -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
level -> isolation_level
            -> reserved_word
like -> like_predicate
            -> reserved_word
local -> levels_clause
            -> reserved_word
            -> scope_option
            -> set_time_zone_value
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
            -> time_zone_specifier
long -> c_num_variable
low -> low
lower -> fold
            -> reserved_word


m -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
match -> match_predicate
            -> refs_spec
            -> reserved_word
max -> allocate_descriptor_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_fct_type
message_length -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
message_octet_length -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
message_text -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
min -> reserved_word
            -> set_fct_type
minute -> non_second_datetime_field
            -> reserved_word
module -> qualified_local_table_name
            -> reserved_word
month -> non_second_datetime_field
            -> reserved_word
more -> non_reserved_word
            -> stmt_info_item_name
mumps -> non_reserved_word


n -> national_char_string_lit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
name -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
names -> embdd_char_set_decl
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_names_stmt
national -> national_char_string_type
            -> reserved_word
natural -> qualified_join
            -> reserved_word
nchar -> national_char_string_type
            -> reserved_word
next -> fetch_orientation
            -> reserved_word
nines> -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> cobol_computational_int
no -> pad_attribute
            -> ref_action
            -> reserved_word
not -> between_predicate
            -> boolean_factor
            -> boolean_test
            -> column_constraint
            -> condition
            -> constraint_attributes
            -> in_predicate
            -> like_predicate
            -> null_predicate
            -> reserved_word
null -> cast_operand
            -> column_constraint
            -> default_option
            -> null_predicate
            -> null_spec
            -> ref_action
            -> reserved_word
            -> result
nullable -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
nullif -> case_abbreviation
            -> reserved_word
number -> non_reserved_word
            -> stmt_info_item_name
numeric -> exact_num_type
            -> reserved_word


o -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
octet_length -> descriptor_item_name
            -> octet_length_exp
            -> reserved_word
of -> delete_stmt_pos
            -> dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> prep_dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> reserved_word
            -> updatability_clause
            -> update_stmt_pos
on -> delete_rule
            -> grant_stmt
            -> join_condition
            -> reserved_word
            -> revoke_stmt
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
            -> update_rule
only -> reserved_word
            -> transaction_access_mode
            -> updatability_clause
open -> dyn_open_stmt
            -> open_stmt
            -> reserved_word
option -> grant_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> revoke_stmt
            -> view_def
or -> reserved_word
            -> search_condition
order -> order_by_clause
            -> reserved_word
outer -> join_type
            -> reserved_word
output -> describe_output_stmt
            -> reserved_word
overlaps -> overlaps_predicate
            -> reserved_word


p -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
packed -> pascal_type_spec
pad -> pad_attribute
            -> reserved_word
partial -> match_predicate
            -> match_type
            -> reserved_word
pascal -> non_reserved_word
pic -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> cobol_bit_type
            -> cobol_char_type
            -> cobol_computational_int
            -> cobol_num_type
picture -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> cobol_bit_type
            -> cobol_char_type
            -> cobol_computational_int
            -> cobol_num_type
pli -> non_reserved_word
position -> position_exp
            -> reserved_word
precision -> approximate_num_type
            -> descriptor_item_name
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
prepare -> deallocate_prepared_stmt
            -> prepare_stmt
            -> reserved_word
preserve -> reserved_word
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
primary -> reserved_word
            -> unique_spec
prior -> fetch_orientation
            -> reserved_word
privileges -> privileges
            -> reserved_word
procedure -> procedure
            -> reserved_word
public -> grantee
            -> reserved_word


q -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter


r -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
read -> level_of_isolation
            -> reserved_word
            -> transaction_access_mode
            -> updatability_clause
real -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
            -> approximate_num_type
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> mumps_type_spec
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
references -> action
            -> refs_spec
            -> reserved_word
relative -> fetch_orientation
            -> reserved_word
repeatable -> level_of_isolation
            -> non_reserved_word
restrict -> drop_behavior
            -> reserved_word
returned_length -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
returned_octet_length -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
returned_sqlstate -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
revoke -> reserved_word
            -> revoke_stmt
right -> outer_join_type
            -> reserved_word
rollback -> reserved_word
            -> rollback_stmt
rows -> reserved_word
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
row_count -> non_reserved_word
            -> stmt_info_item_name
rules) -> direct_implt_def_stmt
            -> id_start
            -> nondoublequote_char
rules.) -> ada_host_id
            -> cobol_host_id
            -> c_host_id
            -> embdd_sql_ada_program
            -> embdd_sql_cobol_program
            -> embdd_sql_c_program
            -> embdd_sql_fortran_program
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_program
            -> embdd_sql_pascal_program
            -> embdd_sql_pl1_program
            -> fortran_host_id
            -> host_label_id
            -> host_pl1_label_variable
            -> mumps_host_id
            -> nonquote_char
            -> pascal_host_id
            -> pl1_host_id
            -> prep_implt_def_stmt


s -> cobol_num_type
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
s -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> cobol_computational_int
scale -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
schema -> drop_schema_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> schema_def
            -> set_schema_stmt
schema_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
scroll -> allocate_cursor_stmt
            -> declare_cursor
            -> dyn_declare_cursor
            -> reserved_word
second -> datetime_field
            -> end_field
            -> reserved_word
            -> single_datetime_field
section -> embdd_sql_begin_declare
            -> embdd_sql_end_declare
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_declare
            -> reserved_word
see -> id_start
            -> nondoublequote_char
select -> action
            -> query_spec
            -> reserved_word
            -> select_stmt_single_row
separate -> cobol_num_type
serializable -> level_of_isolation
            -> non_reserved_word
server_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
session -> reserved_word
            -> set_session_author_id_stmt
session_user -> default_option
            -> general_value_spec
            -> reserved_word
set -> ada_qualified_type_spec
            -> char_set_def
            -> cobol_char_type
            -> c_char_variable
            -> c_varchar_variable
            -> data_type
            -> drop_char_set_stmt
            -> dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> fortran_type_spec
            -> object_name
            -> pascal_type_spec
            -> pl1_type_spec
            -> prep_dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> ref_action
            -> reserved_word
            -> schema_char_set_spec
            -> set_catalog_stmt
            -> set_column_default_clause
            -> set_connection_stmt
            -> set_constraints_mode_stmt
            -> set_descriptor_stmt
            -> set_domain_default_clause
            -> set_local_time_zone_stmt
            -> set_names_stmt
            -> set_schema_stmt
            -> set_session_author_id_stmt
            -> set_transaction_stmt
            -> space
            -> update_stmt_pos
            -> update_stmt_searched
short -> c_num_variable
sign -> cobol_num_type
size -> diag_size
            -> reserved_word
smallint -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
            -> exact_num_type
            -> reserved_word
some -> reserved_word
            -> some
space -> pad_attribute
            -> reserved_word
sql3) -> unique_constraint_def
sql -> embdd_char_set_decl
            -> reserved_word
            -> sql_prefix
            -> using_descriptor
sqlcode -> reserved_word
            -> status_parameter
sqlcode_type -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
sqlerror -> condition
            -> reserved_word
sqlstate -> reserved_word
            -> status_parameter
sqlstate_type -> ada_unqualified_type_spec
sql_standard.bit -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.char -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.double_precision -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.indicator_type -> ada_qualified_type_spec -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.real -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.smallint -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.sqlcode_type -> ada_qualified_type_spec
sql_standard.sqlstate_type -> ada_qualified_type_spec
static -> c_storage_class
std -> arc2
subclass_origin -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
substring -> bit_substring_fct
            -> char_substring_fct
            -> reserved_word
sum -> reserved_word
            -> set_fct_type
syntax -> ada_host_id
            -> cobol_host_id
            -> c_host_id
            -> direct_implt_def_stmt
            -> embdd_sql_ada_program
            -> embdd_sql_cobol_program
            -> embdd_sql_c_program
            -> embdd_sql_fortran_program
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_program
            -> embdd_sql_pascal_program
            -> embdd_sql_pl1_program
            -> fortran_host_id
            -> host_label_id
            -> host_pl1_label_variable
            -> id_start
            -> mumps_host_id
            -> nondoublequote_char
            -> nonquote_char
            -> pascal_host_id
            -> pl1_host_id
            -> prep_implt_def_stmt
system_user -> default_option
            -> general_value_spec
            -> reserved_word


t -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
table -> alter_table_stmt
            -> drop_table_stmt
            -> explicit_table
            -> object_name
            -> reserved_word
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
table_name -> condition_info_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
temporary -> reserved_word
            -> table_def
            -> temporary_table_decl
the -> ada_host_id
            -> cobol_host_id
            -> c_host_id
            -> direct_implt_def_stmt
            -> embdd_sql_ada_program
            -> embdd_sql_cobol_program
            -> embdd_sql_c_program
            -> embdd_sql_fortran_program
            -> embdd_sql_mumps_program
            -> embdd_sql_pascal_program
            -> embdd_sql_pl1_program
            -> fortran_host_id
            -> host_label_id
            -> host_pl1_label_variable
            -> id_start
            -> mumps_host_id
            -> nondoublequote_char
            -> nonquote_char
            -> pascal_host_id
            -> pl1_host_id
            -> prep_implt_def_stmt
then -> reserved_word
            -> searched_when_clause
            -> simple_when_clause
            -> translation_collation
time -> datetime_type
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_local_time_zone_stmt
            -> time_lit
            -> time_zone_specifier
timestamp -> datetime_type
            -> reserved_word
            -> timestamp_lit
timezone_hour -> reserved_word
            -> time_zone_field
timezone_minute -> reserved_word
            -> time_zone_field
to -> connect_stmt
            -> go_to
            -> grant_stmt
            -> interval_qualifier
            -> reserved_word
            -> translation_def
tony -> connection_target
trailing -> reserved_word
            -> trim_spec
transaction -> reserved_word
            -> set_transaction_stmt
translate -> char_translation
            -> reserved_word
translation -> drop_translation_stmt
            -> object_name
            -> reserved_word
            -> translation_collation
            -> translation_def
trim -> reserved_word
            -> trim_fct
true -> reserved_word
            -> truth_value
type -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word


u -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
uncommitted -> level_of_isolation
            -> non_reserved_word
union -> join_type
            -> non_join_query_exp
            -> reserved_word
unique -> match_predicate
            -> reserved_word
            -> unique_predicate
            -> unique_spec
unknown -> reserved_word
            -> truth_value
unnamed -> descriptor_item_name
            -> non_reserved_word
update -> action
            -> dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> reserved_word
            -> updatability_clause
            -> update_rule
            -> update_stmt_pos
            -> update_stmt_searched
upper -> fold
            -> reserved_word
usage -> action
            -> cobol_binary_integer
            -> cobol_computational_int
            -> cobol_num_type
            -> reserved_word
use) -> space
user -> connection_target
            -> default_option
            -> general_value_spec
            -> reserved_word
using -> char_translation
            -> form_conversion
            -> named_columns_join
            -> reserved_word
            -> using_arguments
            -> using_descriptor


v -> cobol_nines_spec
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
value -> general_value_spec
            -> get_descriptor_information
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_descriptor_information
values -> insert_columns_and_source
            -> reserved_word
            -> table_value_constructor
varchar -> char_string_type
            -> c_varchar_variable
            -> mumps_char_variable
            -> reserved_word
varying -> bit_string_type
            -> char_string_type
            -> national_char_string_type
            -> pl1_type_spec
            -> reserved_word
view -> drop_view_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> view_def
volatile -> c_class_modifier


w -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
when -> reserved_word
            -> searched_when_clause
            -> simple_when_clause
whenever -> embdd_exception_decl
            -> reserved_word
where -> delete_stmt_pos
            -> delete_stmt_searched
            -> dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_delete_stmt_pos
            -> prep_dyn_update_stmt_pos
            -> reserved_word
            -> update_stmt_pos
            -> update_stmt_searched
            -> where_clause
with -> allocate_descriptor_stmt
            -> connection_target
            -> datetime_type
            -> grant_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> view_def
work -> commit_stmt
            -> reserved_word
            -> rollback_stmt
write -> reserved_word
            -> transaction_access_mode


x -> cobol_char_type
            -> hex_string_lit
            -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter


y -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
year -> non_second_datetime_field
            -> reserved_word


z -> simple_latin_lower_letter
            -> simple_latin_upper_letter
zone -> datetime_type
            -> reserved_word
            -> set_local_time_zone_stmt
            -> time_zone_specifier