COOPNBuilder IDE Tools

CO-OPN Software

CoopnBuilder is an environment composed of a set of tools destinated to the support of concurrent software development based on the CO-OPN language. CO-OPN is an object-oriented specification language based on synchronized algebraic Petri nets. This language allows the definition of active concurrent objects, and includes facilities for sub-typing, sub-classing and genericity. A coordination language is included in CO-OPN. 

For additional informations about the supported languages and the different techniques that are supported by the CooopnBuilder, please consult the following information documents. 

  • paper describing the CO-OPN language 
  • paper describing CO-OPN semantics 
  • paper about test selection techniques with CO-OPN 
  • paper about Java code generation from CO-OPN 

Download the latest version of CoopnBuilder

We would like to have feedback about the CoopnBuilder' users, why they are downloding the tool and what are their expectation about such an environnement. We are also interrested to have feedback about errors, missing features .... Nevertheless we are not able to ensure full maintenance of this tool.
Please e-mail us when you download the tool.

System requirements:

  • CoopnTools is writen in Java and runs on any platform that support Java1.3 

Installation instructions: the installer include instructions

Features included in the latest version

  • syntax checker for CO-OPN modules (class, ADT, context) 
  • structured editors for CO-OPN modules 
  • graphical representation of classes and contextes 
  • graphical viewers for dependency graphs, class and object models 
  • automatic graph layout using internal or external layouter (dot) 
  • javadoc-like documentation of CO-OPN specifications 
  • ADT evaluator based on logic programming (translation to Prolog) 
  • partial class evaluator based on logic programming (translation to Prolog) 
  • generation of Java code from CO-OPN specifications 
  • simple specification interpreter based on generated Java code 
  • some examples (check also example section of this site for most recent ones!) 
Last modified: September 16, 2003, S. Sendall