Hovering Information


Hovering information is a mobile computing paradigm where pieces of self-organising information are responsible to find their own storage on top of a dynamic set of mobile devices. Once deployed, the hovering information service is a location-based service disseminating geo-localised information generated by and aimed at mobile users. It supports a wide range of pervasive applications, from urban security to stigmergy-based systems. A piece of hovering information is attached to a geographical point, called the anchor location, and to its vicinity area, called the anchor area. It is responsible for keeping itself alive, available and accessible to other devices within its anchor area. It does not rely on any central server. Simulation results so far show that our replication and caching algorithms scale up to 200 distinct pieces of hovering information concentrated in a small geographic area.


1. Virtual tags are inserted at specific locations on roads or motorways either by cars' drivers or traffic management staff. The purpose being to provide information to cars' drivers about road conditions, accidents, etc. In such a scenario, using the notion of hovering information, such tags will not be stored on a specific server and made available to users when they reach the zone of interest of the information. Instead the tags are locally stored in the cars and made available through wireless channels to nearby cars. Since  data have a meaning for the specific location they have been attributed,  data will have to "change" car as soon as the car they are currently stored in leaves the area of the anchor location. The data will then hop from one car to the next one.

2. In an emergency scenario, virtual data present before a disaster may want to "survive" by using emergency  crew or survivors devices. This data can also present useful information for emergency services. Additionally, disaster's survivors may want to indicate their position by placing the appropriate hovering information attaching it to their own location. Emergency crew member can place hovering information to areas where survivors have been found or where there is a chance to find some survivors. In this case, the information will hop from one emergency/survivor device to another one.

Current Work




G. Di Marzo Serugendo
Sep 2009