
GeoVTag is a J2ME application running on a mobile phone that allows the user to publish anywhere on Earth virtual tags. Every user in the neighborhood of such a publication point will get the message. For example, let us consider the community of the Mt-Blanc mountain guides. The members would like to inform their colleagues about dangers in specific places or about vacancies in refuges. One guide can publish such a geo-referenced message that informs about a high risk of avalanches, and any other guide that attends the same place will get the warning. It is a kind of blog, in which editors and readers share the same physical place. Read the instructions (for version 0.2) to see how to use the program and what the requirements are.

The following applications can be used with GeoVTag:


Download the GeoVTag jar file (version 0.2)
Download the GeoVTag jad file (version 0.2)

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