Didier Buchs
Didier Buchs obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Geneva in 1989. He was a researcher at 'Laboratoire de recherche en Informatique' of University of Paris Sud (Orsay) from 1989 to 1991 and the leader of the research team working on formal methods and concurrency at University of Geneva from 1991 to 1993. He has been a 'collaborateur scientifique' at the Software Engineering Laboratory of EPFL from 1993 (Adjoint Scientifique since 1997) to 2002 developping methods and tools for distributed embedded systems.
He is now full professor of the faculty of science at the 'Centre Universitaire d'informatique' University of Geneva.
His current interest is principally on formal specification methods, validation techniques and testing techniques for real size distributed systems. These research topics produce a number of significant results such that the development of a specification language CO-OPN as well as its supporting environment CoopnBuilder (previously called SANDS, CoopnTools). Currently a model checker, called Alpina, for high level Petri nets is under development .
Further information:
Business Address
Computer Science Department
University of Geneva
7 route de Drize, Bât. A,
Office 217
CH-1227 Carouge
Mail Address
Computer Science Department
Software Modelling and Verification Laboratory
University of Geneva
7 route de Drize, Bât. A
CH-1227 Carouge
Business Phone: +41 22 379 01 61
Secretary: +41 22 379 01 01
Business Fax: +41 22 379 00 79
E-mail: Didier.Buchs@unige.ch