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afcd [2024/03/14 21:22] afcdafcd [2024/10/11 14:03] (current) afcd
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 **(http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6294-1162)** **(http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6294-1162)**
-**Web of Science https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/140561**+---- 
 +** Formation :**\\ 
 +- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Agrégation de Génie Civil\\ 
 +- Doctorat, HDR (section CNU 61) (Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry)\\ 
-**2007-2018** :  +**2000-2018** :  
-Ecole Centrale de Lille,+Professeur des Universités\\ 
 +- IUT d'Evry Val d'Essonne, Département QLIO, 91000 Evry\\ 
 +Ecole Centrale de Lille,
 Cité Scientifique, CS 20048, 59651 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX, F\\ Cité Scientifique, CS 20048, 59651 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX, F\\
 **2018- ** : **2018- ** :
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 The experience I have gained as an expert and convenor of various standardisation committees has enabled me to understand and highlight the problems associated with the specific nature (and complexity) of the whole standardisation process. This has enabled me to study the extent to which approaches based on knowledge engineering can be used in the drafting of standards, in particular the development of ontologies corresponding to the knowledge domains of the technical standards to be taken into account, but also the consideration of interoperability issues. As ontologies can differ in scope, point of view and granularity, it is often necessary to use alignment techniques to enable the different models to be synthesised.  The experience I have gained as an expert and convenor of various standardisation committees has enabled me to understand and highlight the problems associated with the specific nature (and complexity) of the whole standardisation process. This has enabled me to study the extent to which approaches based on knowledge engineering can be used in the drafting of standards, in particular the development of ontologies corresponding to the knowledge domains of the technical standards to be taken into account, but also the consideration of interoperability issues. As ontologies can differ in scope, point of view and granularity, it is often necessary to use alignment techniques to enable the different models to be synthesised. 
 +The concept of digital twin is an important part of my research work, particularly through the modelling and representation of the information exchanges that it enables between the players involved throughout the various stages of industrial processes. Standardisation plays a very important role here, as the interoperability of these exchanges will be facilitated by the use of standardised languages and approaches.
 Other applications in my research area include :\\ Other applications in my research area include :\\
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 - semantic integration,\\ - semantic integration,\\
 - semantic interoperability,\\ - semantic interoperability,\\
-- semantic frameworks and their application to the representation of information and knowledge linked to standardisation and norms (standards roadmaps).+- semantic frameworks and their application to the representation of information and knowledge linked to standardisation and norms (standards roadmaps),\\ 
 +- digital twins.\\
 ---- ----
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 ===== International standardization expertise =====  ===== International standardization expertise ===== 
-Convenor ISO TC 184/SC4-SC5 JWG8 (Manufacturing Management data) (till March 2023) : https://www.iso.org/committee/54158.html+*** National level (France) :**\\ 
 +AFNOR CP IDMI (Ingénierie des données et des modèles pour l'industrie) standardization committee :[[ https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnorcp-idmi/ingenierie-des-donnees-et-des-modeles-pour-lindustrie/3310]]\\ 
 +AFNOR CN INFOGEO (Informations géographiques - systèmes géodésiquesstandardization committee : [[https:// norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnorcn-info-geo/informations-geographiques-systemes-geodesiques/69126]]\\ 
 +- AFNOR UF ASGIEE (Approche Systèmes de la Gestion Intelligente de l'Energie Electriquestandardization committee [[https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnoruf-asgiee/approche-systemes-de-la-gestion-intelligente-de-lenergie-electrique/117772]]\\ 
 +- AFNOR UF 65 (Mesure et commande dans le processus industriel) : [[https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnoruf-65/mesure-et-commande-dans-le-processus-industriel/2766#presentation  
-- Expert and member : ISO TC 184/SC4 International Technical Committee (industrial data) : https://www.iso.org/committee/54158.html 
-- Expert and member ISO TC 184 / SC5 WG10 (Evaluation of energy efficiency and other relevant factors of a manufacturing  +*** European level (CEN) :**\\ 
-system with respect to its environmental influencehttps://www.iso.org/committee/54192.html+- CEN TC 310 (Advanced automation technologies and their applicationsEuropean technical committee [[https://standards.cencenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=205:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:6291&cs=1CFCF7BD7724745E1244888BF6EA45B75]]\\ 
-- Expert and member : ISO/IEC Smart Manufacturing Standards Map Task Force 
-Member : IEC SyC Smart Energy (JWG3, WG5 and WG6) : http://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:22535867312408::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:11825,25+*** International level (ISO, IEC, ISO-IEC-ITU-UN) :**\\ 
 +- ISO TC 184 / SC4 International Technical Committee (industrial data) : [[https://www.iso.org/committee/54158.html]]\\  
 +- ISO/IEC Smart Manufacturing Standards Map Task Force\\ 
 +- ISO TC 184 / SC4 / WG15 Digital Manufacturing\\ 
 +- IEC SyC Smart Manufacturing OF1 : [[https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:22328]]\\  
 +IEC SyC Smart Energy (JWG3, WG5 and WG6) : [[http://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:22535867312408::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:11825,25]]\\  
 +- IEC TC 65 / ISO TC 184 JWG21 : [[https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:14:13855309185134::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:19942,25]]\\  
 +- IEC TC 65 / ISO TC 184 JWG14 : [[https://www.iec.ch/ords/f?p=103:14:6364472188369::::FSP_ORG_ID:6428]]\\
-Member : IEC SyC Smart Manufacturing OF1 : https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:186:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:22328+ISO-IEC-ITU-UN/ECE MoU/MG (Memorandum of Understanding Management Group) [[https://www.iso.org/fr/committee/4887487.html]]\\ 
-Expert and member : CEN TC 310 (Advanced automation technologies and their applications) European technical committee  +----
-http://standards.cen.eu/dyn/www/f?p=204:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:6291&cs=1FB8DE3E2415169C5A629164496F80A52 +
- +
-Member : ISO-IEC-ITU-UN/ECE MoU/MG (Memorandum of Understanding Management Group)  +
- +
-- Expert and member : AFNOR CP IDMI (Ingénierie des données et des modèles pour l'industrie) standardization committee : [[https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnorcp-idmi/ingenierie-des-donnees-et-des-modeles-pour-lindustrie/3310]] +
- +
- +
-- Expert and member : AFNOR CP IDMI GE Industrie 4.0 standardization committee +
- +
- +
-- Expert and member : AFNOR CN INFOGEO (Informations géographiques - systèmes géodésiques) standardization committee : [[https:// +
-- Expert and member : AFNOR UF ASGIEE (Approche Systèmes de la Gestion Intelligente de l'Energie Electrique) standardization committee : [[https://norminfo.afnor.org/structure/afnoruf-asgiee/approche-systemes-de-la-gestion-intelligente-de-lenergie-electrique/117772]] 
 - Guest speaker : MANUFUTURE 2015  - Guest speaker : MANUFUTURE 2015 
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 **Some recent publications** **Some recent publications**
 +- Streamlining Tax and Administrative Document Management with AI-Powered Intelligent Document Management System\\
 +G Di Marzo Serugendo, MA Cappelli, G Falquet, C Métral, A Wade, S Ghadfi, AF Cutting-Decelle, A Caselli, G Cutting\\
 +Information 2024, 15, 461\\
 - Addmin: Private computing for consumers’ online documents access: Scientific technical report\\ - Addmin: Private computing for consumers’ online documents access: Scientific technical report\\