Key words of SQL 7


abs -> number_function
access -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
add -> alter_database
            -> alter_table_spec
            -> alter_tablespace
add_months -> date_function
admin -> grant_priv
advise -> alter_session
after -> trigger_sync
all -> alter_user_spec
            -> archive_log_spec
            -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> disable_spec
            -> enable_spec
            -> factor
            -> grant_object
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
            -> quantified_factor
            -> revoke_object
            -> select_command
            -> set_clause
            -> set_role_command
allocate -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_table_spec
all_rows -> set_session_spec
alter any cluster -> system_priv
alter any index -> system_priv
alter any procedure -> system_priv
alter any role -> system_priv
alter any sequence -> system_priv
alter any snapshot -> system_priv
alter any table -> system_priv
alter -> alter_cluster
            -> alter_cost
            -> alter_database
            -> alter_index
            -> alter_profile
            -> alter_role
            -> alter_rollback
            -> alter_sequence
            -> alter_session
            -> alter_snapshot_log
            -> alter_snapshot
            -> alter_table
            -> alter_tablespace
            -> alter_trigger
            -> alter_user
            -> alter_view
            -> sequence_command
            -> sequence_privilege
            -> table_command
            -> table_privilege
analyze -> analyze_command
and -> logical_factor
            -> logical_term
any character -> identifier
any_character -> match_string
            -> quoted_string
any -> quantified_factor
archive -> alter_database
            -> alter_system
archivelog -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
as -> alter_database
            -> create_snapshot
            -> create_table
            -> create_view
            -> trigger_ref
asc -> indexed_column_list
            -> sorted_def
ascii -> char_function
audit -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> prog_command
            -> sequence_command
            -> table_command
            -> view_command
authorization -> create_schema
automatic -> recover_clause
avg -> group_function


backup -> alter_database
            -> system_status
            -> until_spec
before -> trigger_sync
begin -> system_status
between -> logical_factor
binary -> set_session_spec
by -> alter_role
            -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> connect_clause
            -> create_databaselink
            -> create_role
            -> create_sequence_spec
            -> create_user
            -> group_clause
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
            -> order_clause
            -> pass_role_list


cache -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
cancel -> recover_clause
            -> until_spec
cascade -> analyze_spec
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> disable_spec
            -> drop_cluster
            -> drop_profile
            -> drop_table
            -> drop_tablespace
            -> drop_user
            -> revoke_object
ceil -> number_function
chained -> analyze_spec
change -> archive_log_spec
            -> until_spec
char -> character_type
character -> character_type
            -> create_database_spec
chartorowid -> conversion_function
check -> alter_system
            -> create_view
checkpoint -> alter_system
chek -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
choose -> set_session_spec
chr -> char_function
close -> alter_session
cluster -> alter_cluster
            -> analyze_command
            -> create_cluster
            -> create_index
            -> create_snapshot
            -> create_table
            -> drop_cluster
            -> statement_opt
            -> truncate_command
column -> comment_command
comment -> comment_command
            -> table_command
            -> transaction_command
            -> view_command
commit -> alter_session
            -> transaction_command
compile -> alter_view
complete -> alter_snapshot
            -> create_snapshot
composite_limit -> resource_name
compute -> analyze_spec
connect -> connect_clause
            -> create_databaselink
connect_time -> resource_cost_name
            -> resource_name
constraint -> alter_table_spec
            -> column_constraint
            -> create_view
            -> disable_spec
            -> enable_spec
            -> table_constraint
constraints -> drop_cluster
            -> drop_table
            -> drop_tablespace
            -> revoke_object
contents -> drop_tablespace
continue -> recover_clause
controlfile -> alter_database
            -> create_controlfile
            -> until_spec
controlile -> create_database_spec
convert -> alter_database
            -> conversion_function
cost -> alter_cost
count -> group_function
cpu_per_call -> resource_name
cpu_per_session -> resource_cost_name
            -> resource_name
create   -> create_snapshot
create -> alter_database
            -> create_cluster
            -> create_controlfile
            -> create_database
            -> create_databaselink
            -> create_index
            -> create_profile
            -> create_role
            -> create_rollback
            -> create_schema
            -> create_sequence
            -> create_snapshot_log
            -> create_synonym
            -> create_table
            -> create_tablespace
            -> create_trigger
            -> create_user
            -> create_view
current -> archive_log_spec
cycle -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec


database link -> statement_opt
database -> alter_database
            -> alter_session
            -> create_controlfile
            -> create_database
            -> create_databaselink
            -> drop_databaselink
            -> recover_clause
datafile -> allocate_spec
            -> alter_database
            -> alter_tablespace
            -> create_controlfile
            -> create_database_spec
            -> create_tablespace
            -> recover_clause
datafiles -> alter_system
date -> date_type
dec -> decimal_type
decimal -> decimal_type
decode -> other_function
default -> alter_tablespace
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> audit_object
            -> create_tablespace
            -> create_user_spec
            -> modified_column_list
            -> new_column_list
            -> noaudit_object
            -> profile_spec
            -> recover_clause
delete -> analyze_spec
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> delete_command
            -> table_command
            -> table_privilege
            -> trigger_sync
            -> view_command
            -> view_privilege
desc -> indexed_column_list
            -> sorted_def
digit -> identifier
            -> n
disable -> alter_database
            -> alter_session
            -> alter_system
            -> alter_table_spec
            -> alter_trigger
            -> create_table
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
distinct -> factor
            -> select_command
distributed -> alter_system
dollar -> identifier
double -> float_type
drop -> alter_database
            -> alter_table_spec
            -> drop_cluster
            -> drop_databaselink
            -> drop_index
            -> drop_profile
            -> drop_role
            -> drop_rollback
            -> drop_sequence
            -> drop_snapshot
            -> drop_snapshotlog
            -> drop_synonym
            -> drop_table
            -> drop_tablespace
            -> drop_trigger
            -> drop_user
            -> drop_view
            -> truncate_command
dump -> other_function


E -> number
each -> trigger_when
enable -> alter_database
            -> alter_session
            -> alter_system
            -> alter_table_spec
            -> alter_trigger
            -> create_table
end -> system_status
estimate -> analyze_spec
except -> alter_user_spec
exceptions -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> enable_spec
exclusive -> alter_database
            -> create_database_spec
            -> lock_mode
execute -> prog_command
            -> prog_privilege
exists -> quantified_factor
            -> statement_opt
explain -> explain_command
extent -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_table_spec
externally -> alter_role
            -> create_role
            -> create_user


false -> set_session_spec
            -> system_spec
fast -> alter_snapshot
            -> create_snapshot
file -> alter_database
first_rows -> set_session_spec
float -> float_type
floor -> number_function
flush -> alter_system
for -> create_synonym
            -> explain_command
            -> trigger_when
            -> update_clause
force -> alter_snapshot
            -> create_snapshot
            -> create_view
            -> transaction_command
foreign -> def_table_constraint
freelist -> storage_spec
from -> delete_command
            -> recover_clause
            -> revoke_priv
            -> select_command


global -> alter_system
global_name -> alter_database
global_names -> set_session_spec
            -> system_spec
goal -> set_session_spec
grant -> grant_object
            -> grant_priv
            -> prog_command
            -> sequence_command
            -> table_command
            -> view_command
greatest -> other_function
group -> archive_log_spec
            -> group_clause
            -> group_file_spec
            -> group_file
groups -> storage_spec


hash -> create_cluster_spec
hashkeys -> create_cluster_spec
having -> group_clause
hextoraw -> conversion_function


identified -> alter_role
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_databaselink
            -> create_role
            -> create_user
            -> pass_role_list
idle_time -> resource_name
immediate -> system_status
in -> alter_session
            -> lock_command
            -> logical_factor
including -> drop_cluster
            -> drop_tablespace
increment -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
index -> alter_index
            -> analyze_command
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> create_index
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> drop_index
            -> enable_spec
            -> statement_opt
            -> table_command
            -> table_privilege
initcap -> char_function
initial -> storage_spec
initrans -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_index_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> index_storage
            -> storage_parameter
insert -> insert_command
            -> table_command
            -> table_privilege
            -> trigger_sync
            -> view_command
            -> view_privilege
instance -> allocate_spec
instr -> char_function
int -> integer_type
integer -> integer_type
intersect -> set_clause
into -> analyze_spec
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> enable_spec
            -> explain_command
            -> insert_command
is -> comment_command
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> logical_factor


k -> allocate_spec
            -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> create_user_spec
            -> file_spec_redo
            -> file_spec
            -> profile_spec
            -> storage_spec
key -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> disable_spec
            -> enable_spec
kill -> alter_system


last_day -> date_function
least -> other_function
length -> char_function
letter -> identifier
license_max_session -> system_spec
license_max_users -> system_spec
license_session_warning -> system_spec
like -> logical_factor
limit -> alter_profile
            -> create_profile
link -> alter_session
            -> create_databaselink
            -> drop_databaselink
list -> analyze_spec
local -> alter_system
lock -> lock_command
            -> table_command
            -> view_command
log -> alter_snapshot_log
            -> alter_system
            -> create_snapshot_log
            -> drop_snapshotlog
logfile -> alter_database
            -> alter_system
            -> archive_log_spec
            -> create_controlfile
            -> create_database_spec
            -> recover_clause
logical_reads_per_call -> resource_name
logical_reads_per_session -> resource_name
long -> binary_type
            -> character_type
lower -> char_function
lpad -> char_function
ltrim -> char_function


m -> allocate_spec
            -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> create_user_spec
            -> file_spec_redo
            -> file_spec
            -> profile_spec
            -> storage_spec
max -> group_function
maxdatafiles -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
maxextents -> storage_spec
maxinstances -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
maxlogfiles -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
maxloghistory -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
maxlogmembers -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
maxtrans -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_index_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> index_storage
            -> storage_parameter
maxvalue -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
member -> alter_database
min -> group_function
minextents -> storage_spec
minus -> set_clause
minvalue -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
mod -> number_function
mode -> lock_command
modify -> alter_table_spec
months_between -> date_function
mount -> alter_database
mts_dispatcher -> system_spec
mts_servers -> system_spec


new -> trigger_ref
new_time -> date_function
next -> alter_snapshot
            -> archive_log_spec
            -> create_snapshot
            -> storage_spec
next_day -> date_function
nls_currency -> set_session_spec
nls_date_format -> set_session_spec
nls_date_language -> set_session_spec
nls_iso_currency -> set_session_spec
nls_language -> set_session_spec
nls_numeric_character -> set_session_spec
nls_sort -> set_session_spec
nls_territory -> set_session_spec
noarchive -> alter_database
noarchivelog -> controlfile_spec
            -> create_database_spec
noaudit -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
nocache -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
nocycle -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
noforce -> create_view
nomaxvalue -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
nominvalue -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
none -> alter_user_spec
            -> set_role_command
noorder -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
noresetlogs -> alter_database
            -> create_controlfile
normal -> system_status
nosort -> index_storage
not exists -> statement_opt
not -> alter_role
            -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> condition
            -> create_role
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> logical_factor
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
            -> quantified_factor
nothing -> alter_session
nowait -> lock_command
            -> update_clause
null -> def_column_constraint
            -> logical_factor
            -> storage_spec
number -> decimal_type
            -> float_type
            -> integer_type
numeric -> decimal_type
nvl -> other_function


object_name -> grant_object
            -> revoke_object
of -> trigger_sync
            -> update_clause
offline -> alter_database
            -> alter_rollback
            -> create_tablespace
            -> system_status
old -> trigger_ref
on -> alter_snapshot_log
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> audit_object
            -> comment_command
            -> create_index
            -> create_snapshot_log
            -> create_user_spec
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> drop_snapshotlog
            -> grant_object
            -> noaudit_object
            -> revoke_object
            -> trigger_sync
online -> alter_database
            -> alter_rollback
            -> create_tablespace
            -> system_status
only -> set_transaction_command
            -> transaction_command
open -> alter_database
optimal -> storage_spec
optimizer -> set_session_spec
option -> create_view
            -> grant_object
            -> grant_priv
or -> condition
            -> create_trigger
            -> create_view
            -> trigger_sync
order -> alter_sequence_spec
            -> create_sequence_spec
            -> order_clause


parallel -> alter_database
pctfree -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> index_storage
            -> storage_parameter
pctincrease -> storage_spec
pctused -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> storage_parameter
percent -> analyze_spec
plan -> explain_command
power -> number_function
precision -> float_type
primary -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> disable_spec
            -> enable_spec
prior -> connect_clause
private_sga -> profile_spec
            -> resource_cost_name
privilege -> grant_object
            -> revoke_object
procedure -> alter_session
            -> statement_opt
profile -> alter_profile
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_profile
            -> create_user_spec
            -> drop_profile
            -> statement_opt
public -> alter_database
            -> create_databaselink
            -> create_rollback
            -> create_synonym
            -> distribution_list
            -> drop_databaselink
            -> drop_synonym


quota -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_user_spec
quote -> identifier


raw -> binary_type
rawtohex -> conversion_function
read -> set_transaction_command
            -> transaction_command
real -> float_type
recover -> alter_database
            -> recover_clause
recovery -> alter_system
references -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> table_privilege
referencing -> trigger_ref
refresh -> alter_snapshot
            -> create_snapshot
rename -> alter_database
            -> alter_tablespace
            -> prog_command
            -> rename_command
            -> table_command
            -> view_command
replace -> char_function
            -> create_trigger
            -> create_view
resetlogs -> alter_database
            -> create_controlfile
resource -> alter_cost
resource_limit -> system_spec
restricted -> alter_system
reuse -> create_controlfile
            -> create_database_spec
            -> file_reuse
            -> file_spec_redo
            -> file_spec
            -> truncate_command
revoke -> revoke_object
            -> revoke_priv
role -> alter_role
            -> create_role
            -> drop_role
            -> set_role_command
rollback -> alter_rollback
            -> alter_session
            -> create_rollback
            -> drop_rollback
            -> set_transaction_command
            -> transaction_command
round -> date_function
            -> number_function
row -> lock_mode
            -> trigger_when
rowid -> binary_type
rowidtochar -> conversion_function
rows -> analyze_spec
rpad -> char_function
rtrim -> char_function
rule -> set_session_spec


sample -> analyze_spec
savepoint -> transaction_command
schema -> create_schema
see table 4_11 of SQL ref. manual -> system_priv
see table 4_7 of SQL ref. manual -> statement_opt
segment -> alter_rollback
            -> create_rollback
            -> drop_rollback
            -> set_transaction_command
select -> select_command
            -> sequence_command
            -> sequence_privilege
            -> snapshot_command
            -> snapshot_privilege
            -> table_command
            -> table_privilege
            -> view_command
            -> view_privilege
seq -> archive_log_spec
sequence -> alter_sequence
            -> create_sequence
            -> drop_sequence
session -> alter_session
            -> alter_system
            -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
sessions_per_user -> resource_name
set -> alter_session
            -> alter_system
            -> create_controlfile
            -> create_database_spec
            -> explain_command
            -> set_role_command
            -> set_transaction_command
            -> simple_update
            -> subquery_update
            -> transaction_command
share -> lock_mode
shared_pool -> alter_system
sharp -> identifier
sign -> number_function
size -> allocate_spec
            -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> file_spec_redo
            -> file_spec
smallint -> integer_type
snapshot   -> create_snapshot
snapshot -> alter_snapshot_log
            -> alter_snapshot
            -> create_snapshot_log
            -> drop_snapshot
            -> drop_snapshotlog
soundex -> char_function
sql_trace -> set_session_spec
sqrt -> number_function
start -> alter_snapshot
            -> archive_log_spec
            -> connect_clause
            -> create_sequence_spec
            -> create_snapshot
statement_id -> explain_command
statistics -> analyze_spec
stddev -> group_function
stop -> archive_log_spec
storage -> alter_cluster_spec
            -> alter_index_spec
            -> alter_rollback
            -> alter_tablespace
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> create_rollback
            -> create_tablespace
            -> index_storage
            -> storage_parameter
            -> truncate_command
structure -> analyze_spec
substr -> char_function
successful -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
sum -> group_function
switch -> alter_system
synonym -> create_synonym
            -> drop_synonym
sysdate -> date_function
table -> alter_table
            -> analyze_command
            -> comment_command
            -> create_table
            -> drop_table
            -> lock_command
            -> truncate_command


tables -> drop_cluster
tablespace -> alter_tablespace
            -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_cluster_spec
            -> create_rollback
            -> create_tablespace
            -> create_user_spec
            -> drop_tablespace
            -> index_storage
            -> recover_clause
temporary -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_user_spec
            -> system_status
thread -> alter_database
            -> archive_log_spec
            -> logfile_clause
time -> until_spec
to -> alter_database
            -> alter_tablespace
            -> archive_log_spec
            -> create_databaselink
            -> grant_object
            -> grant_priv
            -> logmember_clause
            -> rename_command
            -> revoke_object
            -> transaction_command
to_char -> conversion_function
to_date -> conversion_function
to_number -> conversion_function
transaction -> set_transaction_command
            -> transaction_command
translate -> char_function
trigger -> alter_trigger
            -> create_trigger
            -> drop_trigger
triggers -> disable_spec
            -> enable_spec
true -> set_session_spec
            -> system_spec
trunc -> date_function
            -> number_function
truncate -> truncate_command


uid -> other_function
underline -> identifier
union -> set_clause
unique -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> disable_spec
            -> enable_spec
unlimited -> alter_user_spec
            -> create_user_spec
            -> profile_spec
until -> until_spec
update -> lock_mode
            -> simple_update
            -> subquery_update
            -> table_command
            -> table_privilege
            -> trigger_sync
            -> update_clause
            -> view_command
            -> view_privilege
upper -> char_function
use -> set_transaction_command
user -> alter_user
            -> create_user
            -> drop_user
            -> other_function
userenv -> other_function
using -> create_databaselink
            -> def_column_constraint
            -> def_table_constraint
            -> enable_spec
            -> until_spec


validate -> analyze_spec
values -> value_list
varchar2 -> character_type
varchar -> character_type
variance -> group_function
varying -> character_type
view -> alter_view
            -> create_view
            -> drop_view
vsize -> other_function


when -> trigger_when
whenever -> audit_object
            -> audit_sql
            -> noaudit_object
            -> noaudit_sql
where -> delete_command
            -> select_command
            -> simple_update
            -> subquery_update
with -> alter_snapshot
            -> connect_clause
            -> create_sequence_spec
            -> create_snapshot
            -> create_view
            -> grant_object
            -> grant_priv
work -> transaction_command
write -> set_transaction_command
_ -> match_string