List of reserved words in Modula-2 and where they are used

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AND -> const_term
    -> term
ARRAY -> array_type
      -> formal_type
      -> fp_section
BEGIN -> block
BY -> for_statement
CASE -> case_statement
     -> field_list
CONST -> declaration
      -> definition
DEFINITION -> definition_module
DIV -> const_term
    -> term
DO -> for_statement
   -> while_statement
   -> with_statement
ELSE -> case_statement
     -> field_list
     -> if_statement
ELSIF -> if_statement
END -> block
    -> case_statement
    -> definition_module
    -> field_list
    -> for_statement
    -> if_statement
    -> loop_statement
    -> record_type
    -> while_statement
    -> with_statement
EXIT -> statement
EXPORT -> export
FOR -> for_statement
FROM -> import
IF -> if_statement
IMPLEMENTATION -> implementation_module
IMPORT -> import
IN -> const_expression
   -> expression
LOOP -> loop_statement
MOD -> const_term
    -> term
MODULE -> definition_module
       -> module_declaration
       -> program_module
NOT -> const_factor
    -> factor
OF -> array_type
   -> case_statement
   -> field_list
   -> formal_type
   -> fp_section
   -> set_type
OR -> simple_const_expr
   -> simple_expression
POINTER -> pointer_type
PROCEDURE -> procedure_heading
          -> procedure_type
QUALIFIED -> export
RECORD -> record_type
REPEAT -> repeat_statement
RETURN -> statement
SET -> set_type
THEN -> if_statement
TO -> for_statement
   -> pointer_type
TYPE -> declaration
     -> definition
UNTIL -> repeat_statement
VAR -> declaration
    -> definition
    -> fp_section
    -> procedure_type
WHILE -> while_statement
WITH -> with_statement

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