BNF Index of IDL

index on key words

index on special characters

rules of IDL

specification nice to start

[other languages BNF]

index of rules

  1. add_expr
  2. and_expr
  3. any_type
  4. array_declarator
  5. attr_dcl
  6. base_type_spec
  7. boolean_literal
  8. boolean_type
  9. case
  10. case_label
  11. char_type
  12. complex_declarator
  13. constr_type_spec
  14. const_dcl
  15. const_exp
  16. const_type
  17. context_expr
  18. declarator
  19. declarators
  20. definition
  21. element_spec
  22. enumerator
  23. enum_type
  24. except_dcl
  25. export
  26. fixed_array_size
  27. floating_pt_type
  28. forward_dcl
  29. inheritance_spec
  30. integer_type
  31. interface
  32. interface_body
  33. interface_dcl
  34. interface_header
  35. literal
  36. member
  37. member_list
  38. module
  39. mult_expr
  40. octet_type
  41. op_attribute
  42. op_dcl
  43. op_type_spec
  44. or_expr
  45. parameter_dcls
  46. param_attribute
  47. param_dcl
  48. param_type_spec
  49. positive_int_const
  50. primary_expr
  51. raises_expr
  52. scoped_name
  53. sequence_type
  54. shift_expr
  55. signed_int
  56. signed_long_int
  57. signed_short_int
  58. simple_declarator
  59. simple_type_spec
  60. specification
  61. string_type
  62. struct_type
  63. switch_body
  64. switch_type_spec
  65. template_type_spec
  66. type_dcl
  67. type_declarator
  68. type_spec
  69. unary_expr
  70. unary_operator
  71. union_type
  72. unsigned_int
  73. unsigned_long_int
  74. unsigned_short_int
  75. xor_expr