BNF Index of IDL
index on key words
index on special characters
rules of IDL
specification nice to start
[other languages BNF]
index of rules
- add_expr
- and_expr
- any_type
- array_declarator
- attr_dcl
- base_type_spec
- boolean_literal
- boolean_type
- case
- case_label
- char_type
- complex_declarator
- constr_type_spec
- const_dcl
- const_exp
- const_type
- context_expr
- declarator
- declarators
- definition
- element_spec
- enumerator
- enum_type
- except_dcl
- export
- fixed_array_size
- floating_pt_type
- forward_dcl
- inheritance_spec
- integer_type
- interface
- interface_body
- interface_dcl
- interface_header
- literal
- member
- member_list
- module
- mult_expr
- octet_type
- op_attribute
- op_dcl
- op_type_spec
- or_expr
- parameter_dcls
- param_attribute
- param_dcl
- param_type_spec
- positive_int_const
- primary_expr
- raises_expr
- scoped_name
- sequence_type
- shift_expr
- signed_int
- signed_long_int
- signed_short_int
- simple_declarator
- simple_type_spec
- specification
- string_type
- struct_type
- switch_body
- switch_type_spec
- template_type_spec
- type_dcl
- type_declarator
- type_spec
- unary_expr
- unary_operator
- union_type
- unsigned_int
- unsigned_long_int
- unsigned_short_int
- xor_expr